Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 7343-7304

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7343Jul 23rd, 2024sherynithe office of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
7342Jul 23rd, 2024Tyranny and ConquestTzarentesh, Embrace of DiscordMaeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
7341Jul 23rd, 2024Conquestthe scribe of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreMaeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
7340Jul 23rd, 2024Your TantrumSheryni Nebre'seir, Promise of RuinMaeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
7339Jul 23rd, 2024Castigationthe office of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantRegent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre
7338Jul 23rd, 2024Censurethe scribe of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreThe City of Bloodloch
7337Jul 23rd, 2024Ithmias and YouPreystalker Aelir LavellanEveryone
7336Jul 23rd, 2024On the matter of childrenthe office of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantWhirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
7335Jul 22nd, 2024Parental DisciplineWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhThe City of Bloodloch
7334Jul 21st, 2024LineageWhirran MulariadEveryone
7333Jul 19th, 2024Common BanditryKnight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'aviEveryone
7332Jul 18th, 2024My cutHammerhead, the Covetous KingEveryone
7331Jul 15th, 2024Business Partner - Esterportthe office of Officer Sysaa Bee, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7330Jul 14th, 2024IrrelevantSpymaster Aren - Nera Visara-YaslanaWhirran, High Priest of Loss
7329Jul 14th, 2024Re: Priest of LossGael Volant, the GloriousEveryone
7328Jul 14th, 2024On Blood DebtsPaxe Visara, the Conqueror's BrideThe City of Spinesreach
7327Jul 14th, 2024Of Cowards and CretinsWhirran, High Priest of LossThe City of Bloodloch
7326Jul 13th, 2024As it was WrittenPaxe Visara, the Conqueror's BrideThe City of Spinesreach
7325Jul 13th, 2024The war that was soughtthe scribe of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreThe City of Bloodloch
7324Jul 8th, 2024Unbiased ApologyMerekEveryone
7323Jul 8th, 2024A General ClarificationWhirran, High Priest of LossEveryone
7322Jul 7th, 2024Clan Deadly Dealings and Duos EventGrimgixEveryone
7321Jul 6th, 2024Color me shockedthe office of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantWhirran, High Priest of Loss
7320Jul 6th, 2024Re: The Stoneguard InitiativeAdvocate AgathaWhirran, High Priest of Loss
7319Jul 6th, 2024The Stoneguard InitiativeWhirran, High Priest of LossEveryone
7318Jul 3rd, 2024Shop for SaleDamonicusEveryone
7317Jul 2nd, 2024HarboursElementalist UrimEveryone
7316Jul 1st, 2024Essence Contest ResultsLysaira, Ambition's OathboundEveryone
7315Jun 28th, 2024Party! Next Week!the office of Officer Sysaa Bee, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7314Jun 26th, 2024TyrannyLord Neoma Bouchard, the RelentlessEveryone
7313Jun 20th, 2024The Amazing Gate-Supporting Imp!Lord Tetchta V. Mesis, the TickEveryone
7312Jun 20th, 2024In Honor of the JackalLysaira, Ambition's OathboundEveryone
7311Jun 15th, 2024Party!Officer Sysaa Bee, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7310Jun 12th, 2024To all intrepid explorers and historians!SepyhieEveryone
7309Jun 11th, 2024To the Free City of DelveUlo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7308Jun 9th, 2024ClarifyingLord Neoma Bouchard, the RelentlessWhirran, High Priest of Loss
7307Jun 9th, 2024CorrectionPentarch Sryaen Kavoros, the SpectreSepyhie
7306Jun 9th, 2024A Gift of EnlightenmentSepyhieEveryone
7305Jun 9th, 2024FactsWhirran, High Priest of LossLord Neoma Bouchard, the Relentless
7304Jun 9th, 2024The last laughLord Neoma Bouchard, the RelentlessEveryone

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