Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 7063-7024

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7063Aug 10th, 2023Crimes of the Argent LegionSeraph Rijetta Alhazrad, the RedeemedEveryone
7062Aug 10th, 2023Re: A Test of FaithSeraph Rijetta Alhazrad, the RedeemedLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7061Aug 9th, 2023A Test of FaithLegyn, Etatve wo IndoronElievie Rijetta Alhazrad
7060Aug 9th, 2023Your forgeSibatti, Heir of the an-KiarEthne, the Rekindled
7059Aug 7th, 2023The Harlot's PriceSibatti, Heir of the an-KiarEveryone
7058Aug 7th, 2023Essence ContestIreti Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7057Aug 1st, 2023Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
7056Jul 30th, 2023Hark, VAMPIRES!Arbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiKhane
7055Jul 30th, 2023True FreedomKhaneEveryone
7054Jul 30th, 2023An infiltration and honest attestationArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7053Jul 27th, 2023An agreement with the RegentArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7052Jul 27th, 2023BetrayalsSheryni Nebre'seir, the HeartbreakerEveryone
7051Jul 27th, 2023Seizing control of our fateXenia SeirathEveryone
7050Jul 26th, 2023A Call To ArmsKnight-Commander Emhyra Kavoros, aal-TsanEveryone
7049Jul 26th, 2023VaryanismMagus Elievie Rijetta AlhazradEveryone
7048Jul 26th, 2023To the LegionLord Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
7047Jul 26th, 2023BetrayalsDanson, Officer of the Argent LegionEveryone
7046Jul 25th, 2023The Argent WatchHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7045Jul 25th, 2023Feral DogsHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7044Jul 22nd, 2023Revision of Official PolicySheryni Nebre'seir, the HeartbreakerEveryone
7043Jul 22nd, 2023Divine Duels and DeathArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7042Jul 22nd, 2023SurvivalKnigi Arashi, Maw of PerditionDocent Eliadon Ecceliant
7041Jul 22nd, 2023A Choice, IndeedDocent Eliadon EcceliantEveryone
7040Jul 22nd, 2023A ChoiceHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7039Jul 5th, 2023ContritionGrand Crusader Rasani Morrog, Dajna Za'anak AvekkakAmyie Stormblood
7038Jul 2nd, 2023The Strength? of EarthHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7037Jul 1st, 2023Cowardly mewlingHunter Kurak, the Blood TreeChaplain Galilei Ladoran
7036Jul 1st, 2023So say the cowards, picking over the scrapsChaplain Galilei LadoranExecutioner Ulo Ka'aukai
7035Jul 1st, 2023Once they said they'd never know peaceExecutioner Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7034Jul 1st, 2023The Territory of NalalsaSheryni Nebre'seir, the HeartbreakerEveryone
7033Jun 30th, 2023On behalf of the FatalistsExecutioner Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7032Jun 22nd, 2023EnorianValorieEveryone
7031Jun 21st, 2023DeclarationPentarch Kalena EmersonEveryone
7030Jun 21st, 2023The Territory of NalalsaSheryni Nebre'seir, the HeartbreakerEveryone
7029Jun 11th, 2023PityEotaia Rijetta AlhazradAsaraii
7028Jun 10th, 2023Do not assumeKnight Ayastia Qizzeke, Hikdati wo JedProvisioner Gundor Arcan, Invoker of the Dirge
7027Jun 10th, 2023OfferedProvisioner Gundor Arcan, Invoker of the DirgePentarch Kalena Emerson
7026Jun 10th, 2023BurnPentarch Kalena EmersonAsaraii
7025Jun 10th, 2023Say lessAsaraiiPentarch Kalena Emerson
7024Jun 10th, 2023CorrectionsPentarch Kalena EmersonAsaraii

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