Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 7103-7064

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7103Nov 7th, 2023A New AgeSpecter AetyraEveryone
7102Nov 7th, 2023For Mossy BottomsLord Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantFang Sysaa Moss
7101Nov 7th, 2023ChangesFang Sysaa MossEveryone
7100Nov 7th, 2023An age of liberationKnight Inthirath KarthiEveryone
7099Nov 7th, 2023world on our shouldersCommander Yettave Arcan, Earthen FuryEveryone
7098Nov 7th, 2023HahLord Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantArtisan of the Skies, Aliyah Toirneach, Devourer of Morsels
7097Nov 7th, 2023THE AFTERBIRTHLord Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
7096Nov 7th, 2023Sovereignty?Artisan of the Skies, Aliyah Toirneach, Devourer of MorselsLord Maeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
7095Nov 7th, 2023the afterbirthLord Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
7094Nov 7th, 2023the afterbirthLord Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
7093Nov 7th, 2023A New AgeArtisan of the Skies, Aliyah Toirneach, Devourer of MorselsEveryone
7092Nov 7th, 2023Age of StormsUrlanti Oridez VolkovEveryone
7091Nov 7th, 2023Age of InstinctNesveti Myrnma, the Imago's TimbrelEveryone
7090Nov 7th, 2023An Age of Eternity, forged through Sacrifice, Heroism, and DeterminationArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7089Nov 7th, 2023A New AgeWhirran, High Priest of LossEveryone
7088Nov 7th, 2023The Age of CorruptionLegyn, Etatve wo IndoronEveryone
7087Nov 7th, 2023A new Age is upon usHead Librarian TegolethEveryone
7086Nov 6th, 2023LossGrand Crusader Benedicto SilverainWhirran, High Priest of Loss
7085Nov 6th, 2023A LieIreti Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7084Oct 21st, 2023DefeatLegyn, Etatve wo IndoronEveryone
7083Oct 20th, 2023-Knight-Crusader Sryaen Kavoros, the SpectreLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7082Oct 19th, 2023DisgraceIreti Whirran Arcan-TetzauhKnight-Crusader Sryaen Kavoros, the Spectre
7081Oct 19th, 2023-Knight-Crusader Sryaen Kavoros, the SpectreLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7080Oct 19th, 2023RepentanceLegyn, Etatve wo IndoronKnight-Crusader Sryaen Kavoros, the Spectre
7079Oct 19th, 2023-Knight-Crusader Sryaen Kavoros, the SpectreLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7078Oct 19th, 2023AvariceLegyn, Etatve wo IndoronDamariel mot Lanosaryon, the Unbound
7077Sep 27th, 2023The Delvian DuelMaster of Ceremonies, Suresh NalkariEveryone
7076Sep 21st, 2023ShameIreti Whirran Arcan-TetzauhSevern, the Manipulator
7075Sep 12th, 2023The Debate and CandidatesWahelei, Lord-Provost of DelveEveryone
7074Sep 6th, 2023New WaresKoritesth, a silk-clad OphidianEveryone
7073Sep 5th, 2023The Free City Election and Traditional DebateWahelei, Lord-Provost of DelveEveryone
7072Sep 1st, 2023Open for BusinessBaruce, an arrogant Grecht gourmandEveryone
7071Aug 26th, 2023Bug RushDraden "the Mauler" JibbsEveryone
7070Aug 25th, 2023The Free City Election: Candidates and ProcessWahelei, Lord-Provost of DelveEveryone
7069Aug 19th, 2023Delve's Unrest Is OverWahelei, Lord-Provost of DelveEveryone
7068Aug 17th, 2023No Road UntrodIreti Whirran Arcan-TetzauhThe Lost One, Taj, The Defiant
7067Aug 17th, 2023HegemonyElene Arcan-TetzauhThe Lost One, Taj, The Defiant
7066Aug 17th, 2023You know what.The Lost One, Taj, The DefiantIreti Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
7065Aug 11th, 2023GatherIreti Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7064Aug 10th, 2023The Light's ReachArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiSeraph Rijetta Alhazrad, the Redeemed

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