Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 7223-7184

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7223Mar 23rd, 2024Formal DismissalWhirran, High Priest of LossBoube
7222Mar 20th, 2024ReflectionExecutor-General Elene Arcan-TetzauhArbiter Traice
7221Mar 20th, 2024A note of correctionVirelen, Daughter of ZenithArbiter Traice
7220Mar 20th, 2024No excusesArbiter TraiceEveryone
7219Mar 19th, 2024Morale...Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantDr. Pietre Marcelli, Winter's Culinarian
7218Mar 19th, 2024The Essence of MoraleDr. Pietre Marcelli, Winter's CulinarianEveryone
7217Mar 16th, 2024IntegrityWhirran, High Priest of LossDhar, the Underking
7216Mar 16th, 2024A public messageTraiceEveryone
7215Mar 15th, 2024Promise and MemoryPaxe Visara, the Conqueror's BrideEmpress Malieh Garilicci
7214Mar 14th, 2024DjeirSibyl Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreMyrnma, the Strawberry Timbrel
7213Mar 14th, 2024Djeir and the DjeiraniMyrnma, the Strawberry TimbrelEveryone
7212Mar 14th, 2024PoliticsSibyl Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreEmpress Malieh Garilicci
7211Mar 13th, 2024As Morale ShinesDr. Pietre Marcelli, Winter's CulinarianEveryone
7210Mar 13th, 2024Essence DriveLysairaEveryone
7209Mar 13th, 2024Ambition, Growth, and GreatnessTiskeEveryone
7208Mar 13th, 2024SpinesreachLord Neoma BouchardEveryone
7207Mar 13th, 2024The Truth of AmbitionVirelen, Daughter of ZenithEveryone
7206Mar 13th, 2024LegibilityHellhound Knigi ArashiBoube
7205Mar 13th, 2024WAR!!BoubeEveryone
7204Mar 13th, 2024WarAmbassador Meriato of DjeirThe City of Spinesreach
7203Mar 12th, 2024Private LetterBoubeVarian the Celestine
7202Mar 10th, 2024Light's bigotry (that's a big word! I learned it from a friend!)BoubeGrand Crusader Benedicto Silverain
7201Mar 10th, 2024Re: OH YEAH?!Grand Crusader Benedicto SilverainBoube
7200Mar 10th, 2024OH YEAH?!BoubeThe City of Bloodloch
7199Mar 10th, 2024Imperial LawPaxe Visara, the Conqueror's BrideEveryone
7198Mar 10th, 2024Change of PlansSysaaEveryone
7197Mar 9th, 2024DisdainLord-Navigator Bhalwyn, the Thrice-Lit LanternArbiter Ulo Ka'aukai
7196Mar 9th, 2024Xenophobia amok.Arbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiLord-Navigator Bhalwyn, the Thrice-Lit Lantern
7195Mar 9th, 2024Your futureLord-Navigator Bhalwyn, the Thrice-Lit LanternQor Qogol, the Deepest City
7194Mar 9th, 2024AccordWhirran, High Priest of LossQor Qogol, the Deepest City
7193Mar 8th, 2024Dear hugnic dwarf friendsBoubeEveryone
7192Mar 8th, 2024Do what is right.Arbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
7191Mar 8th, 2024Biases and MisinformationSir Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'aviWhirran, High Priest of Loss
7190Mar 8th, 2024DeceptionsWhirran, High Priest of LossKnight Inthirath Karthi
7189Mar 8th, 2024Justice and ResolveKnight Inthirath KarthiQor Qogol, the Deepest City
7188Mar 8th, 2024To conquest and reclamation!Sheryni Nebre'seir, the HeartbreakerEveryone
7187Mar 8th, 2024On behalf of Empress Malieh GarilicciAlarin, Prince General of DjeirQor Qogol, the Deepest City
7186Mar 8th, 2024Dear False HeadMaeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
7185Mar 8th, 2024Declaration on behalf of Merchant-King Garnur IronbreakerLlsya FalseheadThe City of Enorian
7184Mar 7th, 2024In Terms of Gossip: ContextDr. Pietre Marcelli, Winter's CulinarianEveryone

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