Aetolian Game News

Poetry News Posts: 1516-1477

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1516Jan 11th, 2007I offer you a story... wait.. Ice or ash?Inspired Lion Khristianyr Nakliet RavenbeautyJasmyn
1515Jan 5th, 2007fio Bidrae SaloeCyrae Hineb Saloe, Mistress Lisette WinterstarEveryone
1514Dec 31st, 2006dawnRedeemed of Fire, Mistress Lisette Winterstar, Dawn PoetEveryone
1513Dec 31st, 2006fio Laen aiyr Feslenarifio Ahaihnio Sabaelnari, Fierzha McCloud, Curate of FaithEveryone
1512Dec 31st, 2006-Artist of the Dawn, Mistress Lisette WinterstarEveryone
1511Dec 29th, 2006-Artist of the Dawn, Mistress Lisette WinterstarEveryone
1510Dec 28th, 2006Pigeons.Anfini the GeniusEveryone
1509Dec 28th, 2006of whispered fireArtist of the Dawn, Mistress Lisette WinterstarEveryone
1508Dec 28th, 2006LaenInstructor Fierzha McCloud, Curate of FaithEveryone
1507Dec 28th, 2006-Mistress Lisette WinterstarEveryone
1506Dec 27th, 2006To my Young BrotherElder Tarinn Lee Ta'Ros, Keros' ApprenticeSir Marth Naser, Guardian of Hope
1505Dec 27th, 2006eternityFiery Rain, Ayane Kurimoto, Kazi-chanMute Grand Master Farnham Achoristos Siarani
1504Dec 26th, 2006LaenInstructor Fierzha McCloud, Curate of FaithEveryone
1503Dec 23rd, 2006LaenInstructor Fierzha McCloud, Curate of FaithEveryone
1502Dec 22nd, 2006the processEsoteric Derivative Orya NixEveryone
1501Dec 18th, 2006a lost loveDark Priestess, Marquess Ryana Voltaire, Secretary of BloodEveryone
1500Dec 16th, 2006poetryMoireanEveryone
1499Dec 16th, 2006Marth has snapped, and he dedicates it to youAspirant of Strength, Marth NaserSavant of the Pious, Lady Ecikoria McCloud, Guide of Valor
1498Dec 16th, 2006Heartless Pride...Petal of Hope, Keros Tae'Daenir-DusesEveryone
1497Dec 14th, 2006Shalamar's SongAspirant of Strength, Marth NaserEveryone
1496Dec 13th, 2006Praise be the Weavers who weave for us allErudite Jao Nebre'seirEveryone
1495Dec 9th, 2006I am your VixenLion Khristianyr Ravenbeauty, With Broken PawsEveryone
1494Dec 3rd, 2006My ImmortalThrall Varakye Bahir'anEveryone
1493Dec 1st, 2006I'm seeing thingsMarth, Paladin SquireEveryone
1492Nov 19th, 2006Ol'WedricAgeri Du'Lunai-BlackthornEveryone
1491Nov 14th, 2006Senseless foolValkyrie Sara De'nas, Siren of the FlameEveryone
1490Nov 11th, 2006Unknown ConfusionTomcat XellosEveryone
1489Nov 1st, 2006a eulogyWarrior Maiden, Lady Moirean SiaraniEveryone
1488Nov 1st, 2006Sayber and the Saucy SanMagus Sayber Saer'ac, Azaeru's SoulEveryone
1487Oct 26th, 2006-Kit Shayne, Cub of Tarinn LeeAnnie Wielder, Benevolent Maiden
1486Oct 26th, 2006Everyone livesValkyrie Sara De'nas, Siren of the FlameTruthful Exos Brannador, Tenshin Priest
1485Oct 20th, 2006UncertaintyLady Ecikoria McCloud, Disciple of ValorEveryone
1484Oct 19th, 2006a truly cheesy poemAspirant of Strength, MoireanEveryone
1483Oct 18th, 2006The labyrinth of my mindLady Ecikoria McCloud, Disciple of ValorEveryone
1482Oct 15th, 2006Oh, lamentable plight.Janus AnfiniEveryone
1481Oct 14th, 2006Unfortunately, you don't know what you are.Lion Khristianyr Nakliet-RavenbeautyDhasan Parhelion Bloodrose
1480Oct 14th, 2006virtuesWylliam Te'Straif, Fionna'FaolDhasan Parhelion Bloodrose
1479Oct 14th, 2006Fortunately, I am not a SentinelDhasan Parhelion BloodroseLion Khristianyr Nakliet-Ravenbeauty
1478Oct 14th, 2006I am a SentinelLion Khristianyr Nakliet-RavenbeautyEveryone
1477Oct 4th, 2006Winter WineSir Reuel Dena'Foe, Charge of BladesEveryone

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