Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6214-6175

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6214Jul 29th, 2018They Wanted Yet Another ApologyVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6213Jul 25th, 2018The Sentaari - Abbey's Academy, Order of the Radiant River, and moreAbbess Aloli GallantEveryone
6212Jul 20th, 2018Racetrack in EnorianVanguard Eowyn Rain, the DirewolfEveryone
6211Jul 16th, 2018YourselfLycurgusVagrant Lord Kalak Vaelinos
6210Jul 16th, 2018Friendly AdviceVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosLycurgus
6209Jul 16th, 2018Kalak and his presence on SapienceLycurgusEveryone
6208Jul 9th, 2018Impyrrhic VictoryDami, Queen of the ImpsEveryone
6207Jul 8th, 2018An Essence DriveAbbess Aloli GallantEveryone
6206Jul 8th, 2018A response to your forgerySir Lexen VeriteEveryone
6205Jul 3rd, 2018Heartfelt CongratulationsVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosTekias Uymari
6204Jul 3rd, 2018Bitey the MosquitoTekias UymariEveryone
6203Jun 30th, 2018Esterport shop for saleAbbess Aloli Gallant CardinalisEveryone
6202Jun 30th, 2018Notice Of You're Going To Die If You Ever Step Foot Outside Your Hidey HoleDocent Eliadon EcceliantVagrant Lord Kalak Vaelinos
6201Jun 30th, 2018Notice of IrritationTekias UymariEveryone
6200Jun 30th, 2018Shopping TimeVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosVanguard Eowyn Cardinalis, the Direwolf
6199Jun 30th, 2018Edict of Change - ResolvedVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6198Jun 24th, 2018To Oorangu the Wise, and all Grook.Archmage Oonagh, the WiseEveryone
6197Jun 21st, 2018Clarifying your facts.Headache Master Zaila VaelinosSir Alexsandor Gallant
6196Jun 21st, 2018Nature of Gods and WaterSir Alexsandor GallantHeadache Master Zaila Vaelinos
6195Jun 21st, 2018Some ThoughtsVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosLycurgus
6194Jun 21st, 2018Mortal vs ImmortalLycurgusVagrant Lord Kalak Vaelinos
6193Jun 21st, 2018Your child's lifeSevern, the ManipulatorHeadache Master Zaila Vaelinos
6192Jun 21st, 2018Victim blaming: very classy.Headache Master Zaila VaelinosSlyphe, the Maelstrom
6191Jun 20th, 2018A Simple LessonSlyphe, the MaelstromEveryone
6190Jun 20th, 2018Edict of ChangeVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6189Jun 11th, 2018Imp Impire official degree of no regrets, for anything, at all - and also a declaration of warDami, Queen of the ImpsEveryone
6188Jun 11th, 2018The Ophidian Empire Will RisePa'akth, the Ophidian EmperorEveryone
6187Jun 11th, 2018One Voice: We MarchUnali'i AhesEveryone
6186Jun 5th, 2018Edict of PeaceVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6185May 30th, 2018Imp Impire official decree of go away, OphidiansDami, Queen of the ImpsEveryone
6184May 30th, 2018The non-existent Indorani EmpireWylliam LaidirPhantom Vyxsis Qizzeke, the Storm's Talon
6183May 30th, 2018This Continent Is Not Big Enough For TwoPhantom Vyxsis Qizzeke, the Storm's TalonEveryone
6182May 30th, 2018Ophidian Empire official decree of territory claimPa'akth, the Ophidian EmperorEveryone
6181May 27th, 2018Shop for sale in Duiran!KasimirEveryone
6180May 10th, 2018Stars Above! Issue 3, Summer 473Mariena A. CardinalisEveryone
6179May 2nd, 2018Honoring the MalevolentPrince Tybereus Nebre'seir, Carnifex ReaperEveryone
6178May 1st, 2018SPIREAN GAZETTE NO: 5 (News Best Served Cold!)Vagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6177Apr 26th, 2018Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6176Apr 26th, 2018Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6175Apr 10th, 2018Help WantedXenia SeirathEveryone

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