Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6254-6215

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6254Mar 27th, 2019Carnifex Active ReserveLieutenant Rijetta Alhazrad, To wo EsityiEveryone
6253Mar 25th, 2019Rift DetectionFezzix SicariusEveryone
6252Mar 25th, 2019Nuiovyrg ewr07t8hn354oA scribe of ChaosEveryone
6251Mar 24th, 2019Chaos WarFezzix SicariusEveryone
6250Mar 20th, 2019The Teradrim WarbandEmpress Sarita Bahir'anEveryone
6249Mar 11th, 2019The Sky Sees Your ArroganceTalon Vyxsis Qizzeke, the Ashen TowerEveryone
6248Mar 10th, 2019Apology for my Actions towards the Sentinels and Shamans of the land.Young Alder, Lady of the Lake Tyaa Aneneas-MirariEveryone
6247Feb 17th, 2019The Argent Legion and its MissionFezzix SicariusEveryone
6246Feb 17th, 2019AbsenceSer Rijetta D'baenChakrasul, Goddess of Corruption
6245Feb 5th, 2019MeEmirZenobia Bouchard
6244Jan 7th, 2019Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6243Jan 7th, 2019Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6242Dec 30th, 2018Spirean Lottery and GalaAdjutant AgothaxlEveryone
6241Dec 24th, 2018Spirean Lottery UpdateAdjutant AgothaxlEveryone
6240Dec 12th, 2018Celesmas Events - from Spinesreach!AgothaxlEveryone
6239Nov 29th, 2018Feasting on MogheduEmperor Meltas Nebre'seirEveryone
6238Nov 27th, 2018Bloodhunt 1.2Emperor Meltas Nebre'seirEveryone
6237Nov 27th, 2018A Simple QuestionDocent Eliadon, Magus Most MagnanimousFezzix Sicarius
6236Nov 26th, 2018The Argent LegionFezzix SicariusEveryone
6235Nov 26th, 2018The Mhun of MogheduSir Lexen VeriteEveryone
6234Nov 26th, 2018Bloodhunt - MogheduEmperor Meltas Nebre'seirEveryone
6233Nov 23rd, 2018What is MineSevern, the ManipulatorEveryone
6232Nov 22nd, 2018FriendshipKarhast Ahkaloer ErthokliEveryone
6231Nov 22nd, 2018ProselytizingQueen Nesvenai of MogheduEveryone
6230Nov 21st, 2018...and so you made a choiceArchmage Oonagh MorrogToz Aquila-Seirath
6229Nov 21st, 2018A Lesson In Volume Control and Self-RestraintToz Aquila-SeirathArchmage Oonagh Morrog
6228Nov 21st, 2018So too does the whirlpool swirl.Archmage Oonagh MorrogToz Aquila-Seirath
6227Nov 21st, 2018NecromancyHarbinger of Chaos, Evilo Triasnova-BouchardEveryone
6226Oct 28th, 2018The Albedi threatPipus, an imp scribeEveryone
6225Oct 23rd, 2018Catching a Big FishAzure Rose, Phoenecia SinclairEveryone
6224Oct 14th, 2018A call to arms.Archmage Oonagh MorrogEveryone
6223Oct 12th, 2018The Hundred DeadRobyn CardinalisEveryone
6222Oct 3rd, 2018ApothecaryPrincess Marharet D'baenEveryone
6221Sep 1st, 2018Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6220Sep 1st, 2018Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6219Aug 30th, 2018You're Invited to the Tributes Ritual!Orchid Aisei Celaeno, The HeronEveryone
6218Aug 28th, 2018A new book!Herolt, the deciphererEveryone
6217Aug 8th, 2018Combat training for Enorian and DuiranGaladriel Te'Straif, of Tempered WillEveryone
6216Aug 4th, 2018Essence Drive ResultsAbbess Aloli GallantEveryone
6215Aug 4th, 2018WarToz Aquila-SeirathEveryone

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