Aetolian Game News

Poetry News Posts: 1196-1157

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1196Nov 29th, 2004FantasyIndoran Overlord, Reecillia Jade, Seductress of DespairEveryone
1195Nov 27th, 2004Special PeopleTiazeaPhilosopher of the Shadows, Spadeshadow Ai'zien, Wendigo's avatar
1194Nov 24th, 2004passion remainsCelestial Artist, Lisette Winterstar, DreamweaverEveryone
1193Nov 24th, 2004be stillCelestial Artist, Lisette Winterstar, DreamweaverEveryone
1192Nov 24th, 2004Three things most important.Eleve of the Nexus Arynn RunaeEveryone
1191Nov 16th, 2004UntitledFaded Willow, Gwendolyn De'vyen, Slyphian PriestessEveryone
1190Nov 16th, 2004Memory's PathFaded Willow, Gwendolyn De'vyen, Slyphian PriestessEveryone
1189Nov 11th, 2004ThoughBlack Rose, Reecillia Laurn, Seductress of DespairEveryone
1188Nov 9th, 2004memoriesElemental Tyro CurtisEveryone
1187Nov 8th, 2004MistakesBlack Rose, Reecillia Laurn, Seductress of DespairEveryone
1186Nov 7th, 2004What I WasPoem NekojinEveryone
1185Nov 7th, 2004WanderingPoem NekojinEveryone
1184Nov 7th, 2004VainPoem NekojinEveryone
1183Nov 6th, 2004ForesakenMaestro of Lgakt, Wyle, Wyrm of the TomesEveryone
1182Nov 5th, 2004translucenceLost Lady Rosalind Fiadhaich, Tears of the WildEveryone
1181Nov 5th, 2004purgeLost Lady Rosalind Fiadhaich, Tears of the WildEveryone
1180Nov 5th, 2004RainWeeping Willow Gwendolyn De'vyen, Slyphian PriestessEveryone
1179Nov 3rd, 2004Grief and SorrowPoem NekojinEveryone
1178Nov 2nd, 2004FireEternal Virgin, Malurar Runae-MortuusSemara Aenani
1177Nov 2nd, 2004Porphyry ApostateMaestro of Lgakt, Wyle, Wyrm of the TomesEveryone
1176Oct 27th, 2004Future NowPreceptor of the Wheel, Lord Ezrax Kal'AdunEveryone
1175Oct 27th, 2004On my mind.Novus Arcanus Adema Eldamar, Armageddon FlameEveryone
1174Oct 26th, 2004YouBramoud the WarnedBlack Rose, Reecillia Laurn, Seductress of Despair
1173Oct 25th, 2004YouLady Zephy DusesEveryone
1172Oct 25th, 2004In The EndDrakkenDrakken's Kitten, Xera Storm, Heiress of the Tempest
1171Oct 25th, 2004My Shattered TombDrakkenDrakken
1170Oct 25th, 2004EntombedDrakkenEveryone
1169Oct 25th, 2004Darkness OvercomeDrakkenEveryone
1168Oct 25th, 2004A Missing PieceDrakkenDrakken's Kitten, Xera Storm, Heiress of the Tempest
1167Oct 25th, 2004Chaotic AngelDrakkenDrakken
1166Oct 25th, 2004A Solitary Shade of BlackDrakkenDrakken
1165Oct 23rd, 2004Pathetic little youBlack Rose, Reecillia Laurn, Seductress of DespairBramoud the Warned
1164Oct 23rd, 2004YouBramoud the WarnedBlack Rose, Reecillia Laurn, Seductress of Despair
1163Oct 22nd, 2004The HenNovus Arcanus Adema Eldamar, Armageddon FlameNovus Arcanus Adema Eldamar, Armageddon Flame
1162Oct 22nd, 2004peaceIntoxicating Lady Lark McCloud, La Belle AngeliqueEveryone
1161Oct 21st, 2004For someone SpecialBlack Rose, Reecillia Laurn, Seductress of DespairEveryone
1160Oct 21st, 2004.Weeping Willow Gwendolyn De'vyen, Slyphian PriestessSlyphe, Lady of the Storms
1159Oct 21st, 2004Broken DreamsEleve of the Nexus Arynn RunaeEveryone
1158Oct 19th, 2004ElementsSword of Awakening, Sir Kiyotan McCloud, Celestial ArchangelHigh Prince of Ulangi, Lord Nightshadow Thalion-Ryokus, il Phoebus Dio
1157Oct 17th, 2004MoonWeeping Willow Gwendolyn De'vyen, Slyphian PriestessEveryone

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