Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 7463-7424

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7463Oct 24th, 2024Matters of Orderthe desk of Maeve Visara, the Ravenous GrailWhirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
7462Oct 24th, 2024One and AllWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhThe Divine Order of Abhorash, the Hegemonist
7461Oct 22nd, 2024G.N.O.M.E. is G.N.O.M.O.R.E.Do-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity MageEveryone
7460Oct 19th, 2024Competition - combat bracketsthe office of Officer Sysaa Visara, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7459Oct 19th, 2024MalfeasanceLord Tetchta V. Mesis, the TickThe City of Spinesreach
7458Oct 18th, 2024The War of NightArchmage Eliadon "Inrarok" EcceliantKagura Tsuchimiya
7457Oct 18th, 2024The Shame of the Ascendrilthe desk of Kagura Tsuchimiya, Shadow WardenArchmage Eliadon "Inrarok" Ecceliant
7456Oct 18th, 2024The Ownership of MagicArchmage Eliadon "Inrarok" EcceliantEveryone
7455Oct 17th, 2024More Festival Details!Knight Shara TaziyahEveryone
7454Oct 17th, 2024An OathWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7453Oct 17th, 2024The Sky's Directivethe office of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreEveryone
7452Oct 17th, 2024MagicYesufa Wisteria ButtonLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7451Oct 17th, 2024DenialLin the DoeLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7450Oct 17th, 2024Proclamation of Absolute NegationHunter Samos "Smallhorn" CardinalisLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7449Oct 17th, 2024A ResponseArchmage Eliadon "Inrarok" EcceliantLegyn, Etatve wo Indoron
7448Oct 17th, 2024The Sky's DirectiveEtatve wo IndoronEveryone
7447Oct 14th, 2024Year of Strife: Growth Winnersthe office of Officer Sysaa Visara, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7446Oct 10th, 2024Bloodthirsty Brides, a date is set!the desk of Maeve Visara, the Ravenous GrailEveryone
7445Oct 8th, 2024Year of Strife: Approaching Second Quarterthe office of Officer Sysaa Visara, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7444Oct 7th, 2024Skylantern Festival, A Celebration of Morale!Knight Shara TaziyahEveryone
7443Oct 6th, 2024Medical ReportEtatve wo IndoronEveryone
7442Oct 5th, 2024Condemnation of Spirean aggressionEmpress Malieh GarilicciEveryone
7441Oct 1st, 2024The Brokers of FateWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7440Sep 30th, 2024Year of Strife Conteststhe office of Officer Sysaa, Spark of TurmoilEveryone
7439Sep 29th, 2024Questing Competition Results!Do-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity MageEveryone
7438Sep 22nd, 2024Let the Questing Competition Commence!Do-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity MageEveryone
7437Sep 21st, 2024Battle of the Bridesthe legal representative of Maeve Visara, the Ravenous GrailEveryone
7436Sep 18th, 2024Questing CompetitionDo-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity MageEveryone
7435Sep 10th, 2024A Salmese DeclarationHorn King Aelir, Portent of the Wild HostEveryone
7434Sep 10th, 2024Pretender in the Norththe office of Maeve Visara, the RedRegent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre
7433Sep 10th, 2024Negotiations going on forwardthe scribe of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreMaeve Visara, the Red
7432Sep 10th, 2024Empress of Null, or is it Regent? Whatever you're calling yourself these days.the office of Maeve Visara, the RedRegent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre
7431Sep 10th, 2024Declaration from the Norththe scribe of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo OidhreThe City of Bloodloch
7430Sep 9th, 2024Tausendsassa yourselfEsrytesh dur NayaStigandr
7429Sep 9th, 2024Re: The previous postingLin the Witness-touchedEveryone
7428Sep 9th, 2024Request for dataStigandrEveryone
7427Sep 9th, 2024Posturingthe office of Maeve Visara, the RedSheryni Nebre'seir
7426Sep 9th, 2024DelusionsSheryni Nebre'seirMaeve Visara, the Red
7425Sep 9th, 2024Fantasythe office of Maeve Visara, the RedWhirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
7424Sep 9th, 2024RejoiceWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhThe City of Bloodloch

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