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Public News Post #7445

Year of Strife: Approaching Second Quarter

Written by: the office of Officer Sysaa Visara, Spark of Turmoil
Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


We are approaching the last month in this first quarter of the Strife celebration. It will be ending on the 25th of Ios, so there's still time to join one of the following categories to participate:

The categories you can join, and you can only be top winner in ONE out of them. You can join multiple, however.
-Sect battles - the most sect battles in the time frame, regardless of win or lose.
-Hunting - how much knowledge can you gain from the hunt.
-Knowledge - how many total tasks, quests as they are known, can you do.
-Exploration - climb the ranks of the Explorer's League.
-Creativity - how many new things, of note, can you craft?

The top winner in each category will receive 25 credits, proceeded by 15 for second and 10 for third.

Starting 1 Dharos through 25 Omeian, Difference will begin. This will be to show how you view Strife. This is to your interpretation how you show this - but you will make a declaration to me on what you plan to do. Once your task you set to do is completed, to show your view of Strife, I will give you 5 credits. That simple.

I will say that challenges not befitting of an offering to the Lord will not be accepted. All of these offerings will be collated and presented to Him, so keep that in mind.

The remainder of the year will be the following events after this next quarter:
-From 1 Celes to 25 Ivolnos, theme is Contention. Ylem related for each city, city rewards!
-From 10 Lexadian to 25 Haernos, theme is Competition. Combat and arena challenges! Individual rewards!

REMEMBER: You can begin offering your name for these tiered competitions NOW. Signups will end at the 25th of Omeian so I can put together brackets and give plenty of time for people to do their spars.

For the final tiered competition, there will be various prizes and a larger credit prize compared to some of the rest.

If you have questions on any of this, seek me out. As more develops and we approach some of the other quarters, I will make a post to update how things are going.

In Service of Strife,
Officer Sysaa, Spark of Turmoil

Officially released on Gosday, the 17th of Severin, in the year 7 AC.

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