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Public News Post #7446

Bloodthirsty Brides, a date is set!

Written by: the desk of Maeve Visara, the Ravenous Grail
Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


The date for Sapience's first Battle of the Brides has been set! Mark your calendars. Start practicing those cape throws and vicious blows. Call your seamstress and prepare an outfit that will make your competition weep with envy.

In honor of the Dame of Drama, the Mistress of Mayhem, the Indelible Delight Herself, Lexadhra, the Battle of the Brides will take place in the month of Lexadian. The 11th, to be precise.

That gives you all roughly thirty weeks to perfect your performances and prepare!

Categories can be found in Public Newspost #7437.

There is still time yet to enter if you haven't! Merely message me, Maeve Visara, with your intent to do so.

The Red Tyrant

Jotted below the post in elegant, bloody script, further information is provided.

Event: Battle of the Brides
Date and Time: 11th of Lexadian, 7 AC
Location: The Sanguine Star in Vilimo
OOC date: 11/09/24 at 20:54 GMT, 16:54 EST

Composed at my desk on Gosday, the 4th of Ios, in the year 7 AC.

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