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Public News Post #7454

An Oath

Written by: Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


Your words are pointless. It is a waste of ink to write no, to pen denials. It was not a question. It certainly was not a request for your input.

This is a fundamental change in your world. As of the moment the words left the Glorious Dragon Ma'ams maw, magic no longer belongs to you. You are brigands and outlaws handling pilfered tools. Be you Akkari, vampire, undead, or living. If you swear your loyalty to the Guardians, to Dejaani, or to the dream of Empire, we do not care.

In turn, should you believe this is a passing fancy, take heed. For I have laid my sword at the feet of She Who Hungers and given solemn oath to see this thing done. This world knows well what an oath is to me.

You have one choice. Every witch, every warlock, summoner, enchantor, artificer, sorceror, wizard. Every savant of the Blood, every Flamebearer of Dejaani, anyone who dares make reality tremble and twist by their will alone, this is your choice.

Join or die.


Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 19th of Dharos, in the year 7 AC.

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