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Public News Post #7426


Written by: Sheryni Nebre'seir
Date: Monday, September 9th, 2024
Addressed to: Maeve Visara, the Red

Tyrant of nothing,

You are perhaps confused if you believe the Ogre is the one suffering delusions. You have no army. There will be no further 'wars' at all. You are conquered. You have lost.

Whether you wish to admit this or not, it is so. You may focus on what is necessary to get your vassal state out of the mess you placed it in, or you may remain in this state forever.

You are not in a position of negotiation any longer.

Your territories belong to the Empty Throne and you are at our mercy. The sooner you acknowledge this, the sooner you will be capable of eventually changing it.

I shall leave the rest to the Regent of the Throne.

In service to the Empty Throne,

Sheryni Nebre'seir

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 19th of Celes, in the year 6 AC.

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