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Public News Post #7442

Condemnation of Spirean aggression

Written by: Empress Malieh Garilicci
Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

To all nations of Sapience,

The Theocracy of Spinesreach has committed an act of unprovoked aggression and slaughter against the Undercity of Djeir, resulting in a mass loss of life. Such brazen hostility cannot stand unchallenged.

I hereby invoke Article 2 of the Strategic Wedge against Excessive Encroachment Pact. Our SWEEP allies are called upon to provide immediate assistance as per our treaty. We call upon all nations of Sapience to condemn these barbarous acts that spit in the face of civility.

The vast treasury of Djeir is now open for the hiring of mercenaries that wish to assist us. The Prince General Alarin shall be processing your applications.

By writ of the Amethyst Throne,
Empress Malieh Garilicci

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 20th of Sapiarch, in the year 7 AC.

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