18.4.13 Promotional Items


an anointing oil of <divinity>
This oil, when applied to a corpse with ANOINT <offering> WITH <oil>, will increase its essence value by 10x. If the oil matches the divinity being offered to, that increase is 100x! Each vial will have 2 doses.

Cherry chocolate
Eating a cherry chocolate will consume it and grant you a defence that increases the amount of gold mobs drop for you by 30% for 8 hours.

Fudge chocolate
Eating a fudge chocolate will consume it and grant you a defence that increases your celerity by 1 for 8 hours.

Hazelnut chocolate
Eating a hazelnut chocolate will consume it and grant you a defence that increases your strength, dexterity, intelligence and constitution by 1 point for 8 hours.

Mint chocolate
Eating a mint chocolate will consume it and grant you a defence that increases all experience gained by 1% multiplied by your level for 8 hours.

Strawberry chocolate
Eating a strawberry chocolate will consume it and grant you a defence that increases your maximum health and mana by 10% for 8 hours

White chocolate
Eating a white chocolate will consume it and grant you a defence that decreases the damage from denizens by 10% for 8 hours.

A Crafter's Folio
Increases your maximum preserved designs by 5. Stacks with crafters workbook and itself.

A red bull's eye
Eating a red bull's eye will completely restore your willpower. Item is consumed upon use.

A beating phoenix heart
Eating a beating phoenix heart will completely restore your endurance. Item is consumed upon use.

A crystal of elusion
Once you CRACK this crystal, it will give you the sense_elusion defence for 24 hours, which has the same effect as a hood of elusion. Destroyed upon use. Can be traded in for 5 credits using PROMO TRADEIN.

A globe of elemental energy
These globes can be DRAINed up to four times each and will infuse the user with a random element for six hours. This will customize your movement messages, as well as your in-room message. In addition to this, the defence will grant a 10% bonus to either cold, fire or electric damage depending on which element you are infused with. You can also choose to expend some of the power infused into you, coalescing it into an elemental that you can fight. This will slightly lower the remaining time left on the defence. You can SUMMON ELEMENTAL to perform this feat, which you can do as many times as you wish as long you have the defence still active.

A grimstim pill
Eating a grimstim pill will increase your critical hit chance by 2% for 12 hours. Item is consumed upon use.

A pill of omnipotence
When eaten, this pill will temporarily set all your skills to Transcendent level. The effect lasts for 24 hours. Item is consumed upon use.

A tub of black warpaint
Can APPLY the warpaint to yourself a defence that increases your experience gain from PVP kills by 25% and reduces the XP loss of PVP deaths by 50%, for the next 24 hours. Item consumed on use.

An imbued quartz of rebirth
Cracking the quartz will instantly heal you to full, and cure most of your afflictions. Requires and consumes balance to use but has no other restrictions. Disappears on use. CRACK QUARTZ to use.

A leering skullmask
When worn, will mask your name on deathsight when killing someone. Will eventually decay.

A basilisk's eye
If you HOLDFORTH this item, it gives everybody in the room paralysis (not paresis), including yourself. This may be done six times before the item is consumed.

A preserved, yellowed eye
Will allow you to PEER <eye> <player>, allowing you to see everything in the room of any player, anywhere in the world, as if you were there yourself. Will peer across continents, planes, through phase, blackwind, spiritwalk, and death itself. Does not bypass the Elusion artifact power. Has 20 uses.

Double Experience Chalice
The chalice will not reset to you, so you can give it away or sell it.

A mirror bomb
When thrown at the ground, everybody in the room will see their output in reverse for a few seconds. Quick way to make friends into enemies! Consumed on use.

A bamboozle bomb
When thrown at the ground, everybody in the room will lose access to telepathic channels (GT, WT, OT, etc). Your victims cannot call for help... or coordinate attacks! Consumed on use.

A torch of the Underhalls
This torch will attune itself to whatever area it is LIT in and will burn for eight hours after which the torch will disappear.

During this time, you can WAVE TORCH to instantly teleport you to that area so long as you are not in active combat. Don't worry, you'll keep the torch!

If you GAZE at the torch, it will tell you how many mobs are alive in the area, how many minutes ago the last mob died, and how many minutes until the next mob respawns.

Probing it will reveal what area you attuned it to, as well as how much longer it has left to burn.

An immolation bomb
You can ACTIVATE this bomb to instantly kill yourself, causing attackers to gain no credit or experience for your death. The explosion will stun and damage everyone in the room as well. The bomb cannot be activated if you are entangled in some form, have two broken arms, or are paralyzed. Item 
consumed on use.

A scroll of instructions
You can READ SCROLL TO <person>, and if that person is a lower level than you, and if they AGREE, then they will gain your unmodified base health, mana, crit chance and lack of desire to eat/sleep (if above level 80). This will last for 24 hours. Item consumed on use.

An elemental water conduit
If you ACTIVATE this conduit, every room in the area (that you can walk to from your current room) will become flooded. Cannot be used in cities. Can be used five times before the item is consumed.

A crude siphoning device
When in the same room as a mutual ally, you may SIPHON HEALTH FROM <ally> to instantly take 20% of their health and make it your own. There's a 5% chance this device breaks on use.

A set of obsidian scales
Simply HOLDFORTH these scales and everyone in the room will be struck down with the justice affliction!

A herbal jar
You can APPLY the herbal mixture within the jar upon yourself, which will mask you from the SCENT ability for 1 hour. Consumed on use.

A weathered potsherd
Similar to the hunter's knife relic, you may CRACK a potsherd in order to revive all mobs within the area. Consumed upon use.

Shapeshifter Hoods
When you WEAR a shapeshifter hood, the hood grants you a new style of pelt to GROW. Hood is consumed upon use.

A style technique scroll

A vox iterator
Refer to HELP VOX.

Customization Token
A free 25ic customisation (HELP CUSTOMISATION).

Ilmenite Puzzle Box
SOLVE <box> FOR <credits|ironcoins|lessons|random>
When solved, you may choose to have it become 10 credits, 5 ironcoins, 75 lessons, or a random prize.
The random prize is one of the other prizes, +20%, or -20%. So it will be either 8/10/12 credits, 4/5/6 IC, or 60/75/90 lessons.
Puzzleboxes are able to be given away, sold in shops, and do not decay.


An encephalous crystal
This crystal will allow you to use the CLASS RESET COOLDOWN command without any lesson cost. One-time use. It is bound to you and can only be used by yourself.

A refrigerative seal
ACTIVATE this seal and you will obtain a defense for 24 hours that will cause your Enchantments and Tattoos to not use up any charges. One-time use.

A routine manual
Allows you to create your own custom predefined emote that only you can use. Subject to approval from the administration.

A personalized technique scroll
This super rare prize allows you to create your own style scroll! Create messages for as many of the class/skills listed in HELP STYLES as you want, but only one per class/skill! Messages are subject to approval. You will have access to all the messages, and can create scroll items to give to your friends for 25cr per scroll!

A jar of sparkling dust
You can SPRINKLE DUST <colour> to change the colour of your name on the who list. Jar is consumed on use and the effect will last for 48 hours. Available colours are: Red, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, BoldRed, BoldGreen, BoldBlue, BoldMagenta, BoldCyan.

A crude siphoning device
When in the same room as a mutual ally, you may SIPHON HEALTH FROM <ally> to instantly take 20% of their health and make it your own. There's a 5% chance this device breaks on use.

A dazzling sphere
If you HOLDFORTH this item, any mobs in the room will be mesmerized by its appearance and cease to attack you for a short time, unless you attack them first. Does not work on city guards or anything loyal to a player. Can be used 30 times before consumed.

An urn of hemlock ashes
Can APPLY the ashes to give yourself a defence that will reduce the time to recover from your next death by 30%. This can be done three times before the item is consumed.

An unstable translocator of displacement
You must first ATTUNE TRANSLOCATOR to a mutual ally. You can then ACTIVATE DISPLACEMENT, and you will swap places with that person so long as they are on the same plane/continent as you, bypassing monolith sigils. Needs to be reattuned after use and has some standard aff restrictions. May have undesired effects when activated (affs/damage). Has a 20% chance to be destroyed after activation, consuming the item.

An immolation bomb
You can ACTIVATE this bomb to instantly kill yourself, causing attackers to gain no credit or experience for your death. The explosion will stun and damage everyone in the room as well. The bomb cannot be activated if you are entangled in some form, have two broken arms, or are paralyzed. Item consumed on use.

A scroll of instructions
You can READ SCROLL TO <person>, and if that person is a lower level than you, and if they AGREE, then they will gain your unmodified base health, mana, crit chance and lack of desire to eat/sleep (if above level 80). This will last for 24 hours. Item consumed on use.

An elemental water conduit
If you ACTIVATE this conduit, every room in the area (that you can walk to from your current room) will become flooded. Cannot be used in cities. Can be used five times before the item is consumed.