7.3 Containers

There are dozens of containers around the realm, but there are a few in particular that are important for any adventurer who hopes to keep a full supply of healing items. They can be manipulated in many ways.

Vials are a must-have for any adventurer wishing to carry elixirs with them. When the container is full, the vial can simply be referred to by the name of its contents (eg: II HEALTH to list the health-filled vials in your inventory). When a vial is empty, it can be referred to as EMPTY or EMPTYVIAL.

To drink a vial:
DRINK <contents/vial number>, e.g. DRINK HEALTH, DRINK 123456

To empty a vial: 
EMPTY <contents/vial number>, e.g. EMPTY HEALTH, EMPTY 123456

All require the use of a pipe at some point in their lives. They are containers designed to house herbs that can be ingested by smoking.

To place a herb in a pipe:
PUT <herb> IN <pipe>, e.g. PUT REISHI IN EMPTYPIPE.

To light your pipe:
LIGHT <contents/pipe number> or LIGHT PIPES, e.g. LIGHT 123456

To smoke your pipe:
SMOKE <contents/pipe number>, e.g. SMOKE REISHI

To empty your pipe of its contents:
EMPTY <contents/pipe number>, e.g. EMPTY YARROW, EMPTY PIPE528645
Bandages are used to apply poultices, which generally heal damage done to the body. Bandages with nothing in them can be referred to as CLEAN.

To use a poultice you must:
APPLY <contents/bandage number>, e.g. APPLY MENDING, APPLY 123456

To clear off a bandage:
SCRAPE <contents/bandage number>, e.g. SCRAPE MENDING, SCRAPE 123456

Rags are used to apply toxins to blades and arrows. Rags with nothing on them can be referred to as a CLEANRAG. Envenoming a blade requires you to have the appropriate skill.

To empty a rag:
SQUEEZE <rag number>, e.g. SQUEEZE 123456