23.5.1 Castles

Castles in Aetolia can currently only be purchased with credits, although some aspects of the house can be purchased or modified with gold. What follows are instructions on how to go about building a castle, and what is available to buy.                                                       

Essentially, you buy a basic castle, which is a single room and a door with lock and key, and then you can add on from there. You can buy additional rooms, as well as various features for each room. Further, if you wish, you may buy something totally unique, though the prices will vary and escalate with your creativity.     

In order to actually buy a castle, you must send an e-mail to:


The mail must include:
  - The first room in the house, and where the room will link to
  - A room title
  - A room description
  - Put no carriage returns in the description, and spellcheck it first
  - Any unique extras that cannot be added by yourself (see HELP CASTLE

The first thing to consider is probably whether you want your castle inside a city or outside a city. For these purposes, a city is a city with a player-run government, including Duiran. Because construction costs are considerably more expensive outside of a city, buying a house in the wilderness will cost you quite a bit. You may, however, place a house in a non-player village (Esterport, Djeir, etc) for a smaller increase in cost. If you wish to place your castle in a city, it must be in an area whose description or location makes it suitable for your type of house. Any city-built castles must also be cleared by a member of the city's ruling council. Castles must also always be located on Sapience, as Delve does not allow repatriation or relocation.

In terms of what your castle looks like, that is essentially up to you, but it must be, at best, minimally magical. No floating castles, no towers of fire, etc. Special requests are always at the Producer's discretion, and if something is deemed to be beyond the scope of appropriate housing, it will likely not be approved.

The prices are listed by where you decide to build. The first price is for building the item in a player run city. The second price is for building in an NPC village. The third price is for building in a wilderness area.                                                        

Base package: 300/600/900 credits
  This is the first room of your house, which comes with a
  free naming and first customisation. 

Extra rooms: 50/75/100 room credits each.
  The price for any additional rooms added to your house. 
  Descriptions must be added using the commands in HELP
  CASTLE COMMANDS. Check your current room credits with
  BUILDING ROOMCREDITS, and buy more with stone (two stone
  per room credit) via BUILDING ROOMCREDITS BUY <#>. They
  are also obtained from platinum keystones in the 
  milestone wares shop (one keystone per room credit).

These are features which can be added on to existing rooms. Refer to HELP CASTLE COMMANDS for a full list of them, and their prices for player houses. 

HELP CASTLE COMMANDS has a list of the many commands you can use to personally update and personalise your castle. If something you want is beyond the limitations of the commands available, feel free to contact Razmael to discuss pricing and special requests not covered. Please note that houses, like artifacts, are not transferable. While you may give keys to whomever you wish, the administration cannot recognise any "sale" of a private house to other players.