23.5.10 Relics
Relics are powerful items that can be created by assembling all the required parts. A relic can be anything from a permanent artifact, to a temporary item that provides some sort of benefit. To see a list of relics available, please review HELP RELIC ITEMS. Most relics form part of a collection, the details of which can be found in HELP RELIC COLLECTIONS. SYNTAX ------ RELIC PIECES Will list all the relic pieces you own, what they assemble into, and how many pieces you need/are missing. RELIC ASSEMBLE <id> Will assemble the relic. Use the ID specified under the 'relic pieces' command. RELIC REROLL <item> Reroll a relic piece, giving it a 50% chance to be turned into a new piece, or a 50% chance to be turned into credits*. Can only be rerolled once, and can only be done to certain pieces. You can only do this for pieces which you were the original owner of. HELP RELIC COLLECTIONS details what they might turn into. RELIC TRADEIN <item> Trade in a relic piece instantly for credits*. Can only be done to certain pieces. You can only do this for pieces which you were the original owner of. Typing the command once will tell you how much a piece is worth, and prompt you with a confirmation. FUSE <item> <item> <item> If you possess each of the individual relics that can be combined to form a larger whole, such as the Ilmenite Bracer or the Hunter's Tools, fuse them together to complete the set. CRUCIBLE MELT <one> <two> <three> / CRUCIBLE FILL WITH BLOOD If you possess a relic crucible, you may melt three pieces of any relic into it to create a filled crucible. If you are a vampire, you may fill it with blood. Please note that blood filled crucibles only work on special molds for vampires only! CRUCIBLE POUR <mold>/<tokenpress> When you possess a filled crucible, you may pour it into an available mold or token-press relic. In the case of molds, this will produce a new relic piece of the set shown in the mold! A tokenpress will make a minipet exchange token instead. *Credit value of the relic piece is generally based on the trade-in value of the final artifact, divided by the number of relic pieces needed to form it. RELIC STORAGE ------------- The relic storage system allows you to store your relic pieces into a cache-like system, freeing up both your inventory and game resources. You can still withdraw the pieces from this storage system into actual items, to trade and give away like normal items. Using this system also still preserves the piece's original loyalty mark. RELIC PIECE CACHE View pieces in stored in your relic piece cache. RELIC PIECE DEPOSIT <piece> Deposits a relic piece into the relic piece cache. RELIC PIECE DEPOSIT ALL Deposits all pieces in your inventory into the relic piece cache. RELIC PIECE REMOVE <piece number> [MARKED|UNMARKED] Withdraws a relic piece from the relic piece cache, turning it back into an item in your inventory. You can supply the optional marked or unmarked argument to only remove pieces that bear your mark, or pieces that bear none/someone else's. RELIC PIECE REMOVE ALL <relic> Similar to the above, but this removes ALL the pieces in your storage for the specified relic. Do note that for now, you'll still need to withdraw relic pieces from the storage in order to assemble, reroll or trade them in. If you have a lot of relic pieces in your inventory, please consider making use of this system to help us.