Relic Collections
Each relic belongs to a collection, usually based on its function or how it is obtained. When using RELIC REROLL, the piece will be rerolled within that collection, if the piece is able to be rerolled. Note that these are subject to change in instances where new relics are made for unfinished collections, relics move to better fit new collections, or any number of reasons that may prompt an adjustment. *Also Note: The phrase 'racial relic' is an internal placeholder meaning that it will not create a physical object, but unlock something on your character. Flairs and racial powers, for example. Syntax: RELIC COLLECTIONS List all public relic collections by name, and view the total number of relics in that set. Syntax: RELIC COLLECTIONS FULL List ALL relic collections AND the relics those sets contain. Syntax: RELIC COLLECTIONS [search parameter] Search for a collection by name. In cases where multiple sets have similar names, more specific wording should bring up the correct set, and list all relics in that set. See HELP RELICS for additional syntaxes and information on the relic system.