9.8.6 Linguistics

One of the many talents one can acquire, Linguistics will let you study and analyze other languages so that you can master them.

To speak in your new language, simply SPEAK <language>. SPEAK by itself will list all languages you know, as well as your rank in that language.

Keep in mind, that while you can speak a language at any rank, you'll often make mistakes in your communication if you don't take the time to master it.

To write in another language, you can WRITE <thing> IN <language>. However, once again, while you can write in a language at any rank, there will often be words you do not yet understand how to write. As such, you'll automatically skip the writing of these words.

There are five ranks in Linguistics:

As you progress through the ranks, you'll find yourself able to understand more words. You will also gain knowledge faster through self-study.

To learn a language, you'll need to seek out the teacher for that language and then LEARN LANGUAGE OF <language> FROM <teacher>. To learn a language initially, it'll cost 30000 gold sovereigns. After that, you either pay for more lessons, or self-study by listening to other people speak that language and reading texts in that language.

Alternatively, if you possess a language token artifact (AP INFO 289), simply REDEEM <token> FOR <language>.

RACESKILL LANGUAGE <language> will allow you to select a free language upon reaching Tekal (level 99). This may only be used once, so choose wisely.

Below is a list of all the language teachers:

Language       Teacher                            Location               Room no.
Arborean       A grizzled Arborean ancient        Cantor's Copse         (v71558)
Arqeshi        Sorkan, the Jaru Chieftain         Jaru                   (v64892)       
Atav*          Master Scientist Tutaveshki'e      Skythrone              (v60189)
Atavian        Veyla, a thin bookish Atavian      Aerie                  (v24561)
Chiav          Llazuth, the Demon Spider Queen    Black Keep             (v11655)
Dwarf          Rognik, a young Dwarven librarian  Tainhelm               (v33240)
Djeri          Sarila, Imperial Librarian         Djeir                  (v12102)
Esmari         Sir Vralin, Knight of the Beacon   Pash Valley            (v1645)
Fae            Gallynx, Queen of the Faeries      Vintal Glade           (v3235)
Goblin         Dudley, a Goblin mercenary         Huanazedha             (v50592)
Golban**       Bartek                             Helba                  (v50467)
Gnomish        Headmistress Pavalmort             Gorshire               (v12745)
Grecht         Master Atokhases                   Arget Massai           (v36997)
Grook          Oorangu, the Wise                  Eastern Ithmia         (v57764)
Harpy          Balara, a Harpy merchant           Mount Klox             (v78292)
Horkvali       Xizitioy, the Horkvali poet        Grand Aetolian Library (v57280)
Jaziri         The Imam, Niven                    El'Jazira              (dead)
Imp            Trevvae, the flautist              Aureliana              (v4809)
Kelki          Aeverie, a kelki scholar           Grand Aetolian Library (v57286)
Kobold         Prek, the Kobold Chieftain         the Ophidian Empire    (v64172)
Minotaur       Vargas, Eye of Rimwatch            Rimewatch              (v73314)
Mitrine*       Unali'i Ahes                       the town of Mitrine    (v60201)
Mhun           Sekaan, the pole maker             Prelatorian Highway    (v28203)
Nazetu         Geltley, the freewoman             Mostyn                 (v13193)
Ogre           Balam Agab, the ogre archmage      Grand Aetolian Library (v57279)
Orc            Darxa, the Orc bartender           Enorian                (v55803)
               Ghuhr, a weathered Orc worker      Moghedu                (v12641)
                                                  Esterport (evenings)   (v5557)
Rajamala       Tlolteotl, Bard of Saluria         Saluria                (v10132)
Sylvan         an Elder Maple                     Morgun forest          (v4757)
Troll          Olam, a male troll librarian       Craneskull             (v33243)
Tsinkin*       Orson, Remi, and Dunkirk           Tsinkin Municipality   (v53668)
Tsol'aa        Ta'hena, the Tsol'aa sage          Northern Ithmia        (v719)
Xorani         Lesiv, the Torstonite chieftain    Torston                (v17534)

* - This language is not as easily learned, and may have special conditions to
    meet before you can learn it. It might not even be available!

** - This language has an increased cost to learn and is much harder to master.