17.1.5 Goblin
The Goblins of Sapience have a long and tumultuous history, seen as early as the First Epoch. Along with the Kobolds, they are the children of the former Goddess Khepri, the Trickster, prototypes to Her favored Imps, and had been driven from the land of Sehal early on due to perceived inferiority. Through the Second Epoch, the Goblins served as mercenaries and lackeys to the powerful dark mages of the Indoron Empire, though magic is now extremely rare among Goblins, who profess to be unable to wield it. Today's Goblins thrive in the employment of martial arts, with their low center of gravity and strong bodies. A primitive people, Goblins tend to rely on banditry and warfare to survive, working closely with their sister race, the Kobolds. In the distant past, they were often seen as far south as El'Jazira, and as far north as the Great Rock, where they would war against the Ophidians. This was the case up until they were united and compelled to dig into what is known today as the underground castle of Azdun. In modern times, the Goblin race gravitates toward the underground lifestyle, founding the city of Siha Dylis with their fellow Kobolds to welcome their displaced brothers and sisters uninterested in continuing their dark ways.