9.8 Talents

Although skills, Tradeskills, and Miniskills will provide the majority of what you will want or need for a full experience in Aetolia, Talents can provide you with some extra abilities that will bring unique qualities to your life in Aetolia. Talents work much the same as many other skills, however once a Talent is acquired, you have no need to learn any further.

Talents will be listed underneath all other skills in the SKILLS display. Any acquired Talents will always be listed as Transcendent and all abilities within the Talent will work for those who acquire them. 

To learn a Talent:
   PATH TRACK <talent>
      Navigate to the talent teacher. Example: PATH TRACK PAPERCRAFT
      For Ventier, Tambourier or Luthier - PATH TRACK MUSIC
   LEARN TALENT OF <talent> FROM <teacher>
      This requires bound credits in the amount listed below.
   HELP <talent>
      Obtain general information about the skill
   AB <talent>          
      List the abilities under a specific skill  
   AB <talent> <ability>
      Specific information about an ability. Many of the talents do not 
      have ability info, refer back to the HELP on the talent.      

      Talent         Teacher                    Cost
      Barding        Seli, the Mitrine Farrier  80 Credits
      Bombcrafting   Dalturia                   75 Credits
      Fletching      Fletcher Rodallo           75 Credits
      Floristry      Esine, the Botanist        65 Credits
      Fumology       Ood                        70 Credits
      Linguistics    Herolt, the decipherer     60 Credits
      Luthier        Jessin, the luthier        75 Credits
      Papercrafting  Bonney, the Papermaker     90 Credits
      Perfumery      Esme, an Elder of Kald     90 Credits
      Pyrotechnics   Ferlbo                     80 Credits
      Tambourier     Evadne, the tambourier     75 Credits
      Taxidermy      Taxidermist Vroas          70 Credits
      Ventier        Philippa, the ventier      75 Credits