9.6 Trade Skills
Tradeskills come in a variety of fields; BREWING, COOKING, FURNITURE, JEWELCRAFT, TAILORING, WOODCRAFT, and CERAMICS*. Each tradeskill will require you to purchase a permit from the Crafters' Union. This permit costs 100cr. BUY <tradeskill> PERMIT while standing at the Crafters' Union will grant you said Tradeskill at the level of Novice. *Ceramics is learnt at the pottery shop in Hatshero (v31923). You will unlock new abilities as you invest lessons, with 691 lessons required to achieve TRANSCENDENT. NOVICE - Grants you access to designs available on DESIGN LIST ACCESS <tradeskill>. EXPERT - Allows you to submit custom designs. All designs require approval from the Crafter's Guild. TRANSCENDENT - You will be able to make 10 of your designs permanent. HELP <tradeskill> - Obtain general information about a skill. AB <tradeskill> - List of the abilities under a specific skill. AB <tradeskill> <ability> - Specific information about an ability. ---------- (HELP 9.6.1) BREWING - Allows you to create a variety of beverages. (HELP 9.6.2) COOKING - Allows you to create a smorgasbord of tasty delights. (HELP 9.6.3) FURNITURE - Allows you to create chairs, tables, bookcases, hookahs, and much more. (HELP 9.6.4) JEWELCRAFT - Allows you to craft everything from rings, sceptres, necklaces, and more. (HELP 9.6.5) TAILORING - Allows you to sew summer and winter wear, underwear, and everything in between. (HELP 9.6.6) WOODCRAFT - Allows the carving of vials, pipes, tarot cards, and so much more. (HELP 9.6.7) CERAMICS - Allows you to harness the creative potential of clay and glass to create beautiful sculptures, useful tools, and charming knick-knacks. ---------- Still need more to satiate your crafting addiction? Worry not! There are also 12 TALENTS (HELP 9.8) and 5 MERCANTILE SKILLS (HELP 9.9). (HELP 22.1), for additional CRAFTING information.