9.6.7 Ceramics and Glasswork

Those who learn Ceramics learn to harness the creative potential of clay and glass to create beautiful sculptures, useful tools, and charming knick-knacks. Though pottery and other earthenware are a mainstay of many civilisations, the greatest masters of the art hail from Hatshero, whose teachings revolutionised the world's approach to the field in general.

To become a professional ceramicist, you must be trained by Branpola of Hatshero. Go to the pottery shop in Hatshero (v31923) and BUY CERAMICS PERMIT. This carries a fee of 100 credits for the permit, which does not expire. Once a licensed ceramicist, you will have basic ability in the Ceramics trade skill. The more you train in this skill, the higher quality your products will be.

To create a generic Ceramics design, you may go to Branpola's shop in Hatshero and use DESIGN <#> BUY. This will grant you your own copy of a base design, whereupon you can buy the components per the design to CRAFT <qty> <#>. 

Ceramics needs certain tools present in order to craft their items:
- Glasswork requires a furance and lehr in the room, and a gaffer's pipe in your inventory. 
- Claywork requires both a potter's wheel and a kiln in the room. 

Branpola has a publically available version of the furnace and lehr, potter's wheel and kiln that anybody may use. These items can additionally be created by someone to be placed somewhere with the Forging skill, Woodcraft skill, and Ceramics skill respectively. A gaffer's pipe can be obtained from someone with the Jewelcraft skill.

Many Ceramics items have mechanical functions and interactions: those that do will have an entry listed under AB CERAMICS you can review for how they work. These interactions are generally available for use by anybody with the crafted item.

To create a customized design of your own making, you must learn to expert skill in Ceramics. This process involves more work:

1) Purchase a blank design for 300 gold and DESIGN REQUEST. This must be done at your local craft office*.

*If you have purchased the crafting gnome artifact, it may be done anywhere (AP INFO CRAFTGNOME).

2) At the Ceramics store in Hatshero, find the design likeness you wish to copy and DESIGN <new design> COPY <template design number>. In example, if you wished to design an urn, you would DESIGN 12345 COPY 17657, the basic template for an urn. HELP CERAMICS REFERENCES can assist you in seeing the variety of available reference tags for your crafts. You may also view any of the designs for sale at a shop with DESIGN <design number> - this must be done while standing in the appropriate shop itself.

You can also make a copy based off a design you already have, rather than paying to use the design at the crafting office.

3) Customize your sketch to your liking:
    DESIGN <#> APPEARANCE <description>
    DESIGN <#> DROPPED <description>
    DESIGN <#> EXAMINED <description>
    DESIGN <#> ADD <qty> <components>

Entering DESIGN with no command will remind you of all design-related syntaxes.

4) Give your design a last look over - check for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, or missing additional components! HELP CERAMICS APPROVAL GUIDELINES is a good thing to double-check, along with HELP DESIGN GUIDELINES and HELP IMPORTANT CRAFTING RULINGS.

5) Submit your design at the appropriate trade office - DESIGN <#> SUBMIT. The crafting guild will review your design for errors and approve or reject it accordingly. DO NOT REMOVE YOUR DESIGN FROM THE QUEUE TO FIX IT IF REJECTED: simply edit the design using the above commands while it remains in the queue. The approvers will be notified that you have made changes to it and be able to approve it.

6) When your design has been approved, you will be notified - at which time you can go to the crafting office and DESIGN <#> PAY FEE in order to have access to your design.

Once you have attained Transcendent skill in Ceramics, you will have the ability to make up to ten of your Ceramics designs permanent - this may be toggled with DESIGN <#> PERMANENCE <ON|OFF>.