Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6863-6824

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6863Oct 7th, 2022The Fete of Nascent HegemonyChaplain Galilei Ladoran, of Nascent HegemonyEveryone
6862Oct 6th, 2022The sun has blinded you.Xenia SeirathSir Benedicto Silverain
6861Oct 6th, 2022Deceit.Tyrant Elene Arcan-TetzauhSir Benedicto Silverain
6860Oct 6th, 2022Deceit?Sir Benedicto SilverainTyrant Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
6859Oct 6th, 2022Belief and self-deceit: two sides of the same bladeTyrant Elene Arcan-TetzauhSir Benedicto Silverain
6858Oct 6th, 2022The sweat of your browChaplain Galilei LadoranEveryone
6857Oct 6th, 2022You are both wrong!Seven-Eyed Sibatti of the Wild HuntEveryone
6856Oct 5th, 2022Brass NeckSir Benedicto SilverainHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6855Oct 5th, 2022To Stand UnbrokenHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6854Oct 5th, 2022HarvestSeven-Eyed Sibatti of the Wild HuntEveryone
6853Oct 2nd, 2022Enorian and DesperationImparter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
6852Oct 2nd, 2022THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE HAMMERSir Benedicto SilverainLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The Tick
6851Oct 2nd, 2022THE SUN NEVER RISES ON THE EMPIRELieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6850Oct 1st, 2022Remedial Lessons RequiredLord Rijetta Alhazrad, Vafot wo FeyjaLegyn, Architect of Progress
6849Oct 1st, 2022Ultimate EvilLegyn, Architect of ProgressLord Rijetta Alhazrad, Vafot wo Feyja
6848Sep 30th, 2022Good and Evil: Eternal WarLord Rijetta Alhazrad, Vafot wo FeyjaEveryone
6847Sep 28th, 2022AdviceIesid MulariadInkh
6846Sep 27th, 2022The First Glorious CrusadeSir Benedicto SilverainEveryone
6845Sep 27th, 2022Malevolent's FuneralBaalzielEveryone
6844Sep 27th, 2022SpinesreachThrice Hallowed, Bulrok, Oje Dibi ViruEveryone
6843Sep 27th, 2022In Memory of MalevolenceImparter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
6842Sep 26th, 2022The Albedi CreatorIesid MulariadEveryone
6841Sep 26th, 2022Restless thoughtsElievie Myrnma, the Dreaming BardlingEveryone
6840Sep 25th, 2022Notice of ChroniclingLinneEveryone
6839Sep 24th, 2022Call to ArmsPentarch Kalena EmersonEveryone
6838Sep 24th, 2022Conquest over Shadow in the sandsDevout Elene Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6837Sep 22nd, 2022The Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6836Sep 22nd, 2022The Greatest Joke Ever ToldIesid MulariadFirestarter Roux Aquila
6835Sep 22nd, 2022Enorian Waterfyre AuctionFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6834Sep 22nd, 2022The First Grand CrusadeSir Benedicto SilverainEveryone
6833Sep 21st, 2022Deeds, Great and SmallSaidenn Tetzauh Ash'aji ArcanEveryone
6832Sep 21st, 2022A lessonPentarch Kalena EmersonSeurimas
6831Sep 21st, 2022Re: BlameSeurimasIesid Mulariad
6830Sep 21st, 2022The Blame GameIesid MulariadSeurimas
6829Sep 21st, 2022Duiran's War of NightSeurimasEveryone
6828Sep 20th, 2022Duiran's War of NightSeurimasEsrytesh Sibatti dur Naya, Kin of Vo'acha
6827Sep 20th, 2022BereftEsrytesh Sibatti dur Naya, Kin of Vo'achaEveryone
6826Sep 20th, 2022Your EndHigh Commander Xavin TaziyahStrategos, Aros Riahl, the White Rose
6825Sep 20th, 2022Loss, Gain, and the DragonStrategos, Aros Riahl, the White RoseEveryone
6824Sep 20th, 2022SpinesreachThrice Hallowed, Bulrok, Oje Dibi ViruEveryone

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