Aetolian Game News
Restless thoughts
Written by: Elievie Myrnma, the Dreaming Bardling
Date: Monday, September 26th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone
It aint been long since the worst of the war has been over. A day, maybe two? Though the continent aint literally burning no more thanks to the Maelstrom's rains, it is still very much a scarred and pitted mess, and its likely gonna be one for a long time to come.
But that aint what I wanted to talk about.
I been thinking 'bout what it meant to be shadowbound. Ya, we hated them, and we fought them, because we had to, because there wasnt any other way with 'em. But having been shadowbound myself made me kinda wonder... Was I a traitor for falling under the control of the Shadow Mother? Aint a traitor someone who wilfully decides to betray their side?
Mind ya, I aint saying that them Shadow Generals and soldiers werent enemies, or that we aint had to kill them. But truth is likely none of them who fell did so because they wanted to, or because they wanted to serve Her of Primordial Shadow, just like none of us who fell in Sterion during that final terrible moment did because we wanted to.
I also aint think the Lady Iosyne should be remembered as a traitor.
It was the last of Her true heart that kept us from falling completely and beyond the pale. It was because of Her that we survived when the Lady Inferno's bell began to toll. Y'all who fell know it, I am sure y'all felt it.
Hate Her for whatever other things She did, but in that one thing, the Lady Malevolent saved the lot of us, and even if She was of Shadow, I can't help but be grateful, just like I am grateful to all the rest of the Divine who fought for us.
May She too be Unforgotten.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 8th of Arios, in the year 505 MA.