Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 7543-7504

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7543Jan 25th, 2025Divine PurposeEtatve wo IndoronYesufa Wisteria Button, the Boar
7542Jan 25th, 2025ScavengersYesufa Wisteria Button, the BoarThe City of Spinesreach
7541Jan 24th, 2025HubrisWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhThe Duiran Council
7540Jan 22nd, 2025A Lesson offered on ListeningListener Varshatesh Kuzirnai, Little SisterEveryone
7539Jan 22nd, 2025Ambition TestedVirelen, Daughter of ZenithThe Duiran Council
7538Jan 21st, 2025Summer Beach Party InvitationIvoniaEveryone
7537Jan 21st, 2025Votive artwork of a hunt from long agoUnblooded Stigandr SokolovHaern, the Hunter
7536Jan 20th, 2025Blood and RenewalSekeres Dark-wing, Eye of DefianceThe Divine Order of Chakrasul, Goddess of Corruption
7535Jan 20th, 2025BloodEtatve wo IndoronThe Divine Order of Haern, the Hunter
7534Jan 18th, 2025A Hand OutstretchedWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7533Jan 17th, 2025Quill Pal Exchange Update: Early Closing of Sign-UpsIvoniaEveryone
7532Jan 14th, 2025PermissionLin the KnifeSheryni Nebre'seir
7531Jan 14th, 2025MemonaransaSheryni Nebre'seirWhirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
7530Jan 14th, 2025A Request For All OrdersWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7529Jan 9th, 2025Sapience "Quill Pal" ExchangeIvonia Ilalith de VerdigrisEveryone
7528Jan 9th, 2025On Matters of IntegrityWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhHaleth
7527Jan 1st, 2025High Crimes, Misuse of Magic, Emotion Theft, Unlawful Emotion Giving, Being a Light Monster SympathizerBandit Noube, Executioner of Top RockNawan Karthi
7526Dec 30th, 2024Ophidian Empire HospitalTa'arl, an Ophidian diplomatEveryone
7525Dec 26th, 2024Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
7524Dec 17th, 2024HUUUUGE JOB OPPORTUNITIES!Bandit Noube, Executioner of Top RockEveryone
7523Dec 9th, 2024Apologies!AquilusSlyphe, the Dauntless
7522Dec 6th, 2024The Sky's Bounty: Treasurethe scribe of Sysaa 'Trouble' BeeEveryone
7521Dec 2nd, 2024Burn, thenthe desk of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantKnight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'avi
7520Dec 2nd, 2024A declarationKnight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'aviMaeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
7519Dec 2nd, 2024Caw Cawthe desk of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantHigh Lady Ayastia Qizzeke, Hikdati wo Jed
7518Dec 2nd, 2024Useless crowingHigh Lady Ayastia Qizzeke, Hikdati wo JedMaeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
7517Dec 2nd, 2024Ceasethe desk of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantLord Marshal Sryaen Kavoros, the Spectre
7516Dec 1st, 2024DelusionsLord Marshal Sryaen Kavoros, the SpectreMyrnma Visara, Tyrant's Bloodflower
7515Dec 1st, 2024Gallery of art upon Vashnar's EndMyrnma Visara, Tyrant's BloodflowerEveryone
7514Dec 1st, 2024ArvelmasWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7513Dec 1st, 2024THE BATTLE OF THE BIRDESA Goblin hobgobbler gobriderEveryone
7512Dec 1st, 2024Blood and Strife - Essence contest conclusionKagura TsuchimiyaEveryone
7511Nov 30th, 2024Season's Beatingsthe desk of Maeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
7510Nov 30th, 2024Secret Celesmas ExchangeIvonia IlalithEveryone
7509Nov 30th, 2024ConclusionWhirran Mulariad Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
7508Nov 30th, 2024ApologiesLord Neoma B. Visara, the RelentlessThe City of Spinesreach
7507Nov 28th, 2024Inanity and absurdityVirelen, Daughter of ZenithLord Neoma B. Visara, the Relentless
7506Nov 28th, 2024EducationSheryni Nebre'seirLord Neoma B. Visara, the Relentless
7505Nov 27th, 2024WAR!!! We declare WAR!!! WAR!!!!! WARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!Elementalist Culture General Boube Boube, Lighter of HeartfiresEveryone
7504Nov 27th, 2024Littering & Religious PropagandaLord Marshal Sryaen Kavoros, the SpectreLord Neoma B. Visara, the Relentless

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