Aetolian Game News
A Hand Outstretched
Written by: Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
Date: Saturday, January 18th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
People of Sapience,
Have you heard tales of shop theft? Do you fear for your products, your livelihood, the very health of your establishment and those who trust it to remain open and functional?
I have many acquaintances who are shopkeepers, so this is the type of concern I understand, more than most. That is why I have decided to offer each and every one of you this most excellent arrangement.
For just thirty thousand golden sovereigns per year, I will personally guarantee the protection of your shop and the goods therein from bandits, brigands, thieves, rapscallions, hooligans, and ne'er-do-wells of all sorts. This exemplary service will include methods by which you can learn to increase your security, as well as my own personal measures of protection for your establishment.
But wait, that's not all. If you are referred to this service by an already participating client, you BOTH will receive a five thousand gold discount for TWO YEARS.
Never fear for your products again. Pay for safety. Pay for security. Pay for your peace of mind.
Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 5th of Ios, in the year 9 AC.