9.12.2 Ylemnics

This help file talks about thaumizers from the point of view of an end-user. If
you are looking for a detailed, technical reference to Ylemnics, see:


If you wish to learn the Ylemnics hobby, visit Rappu at v66405 in Esterport
and LEARN HOBBY OF YLEMNICS FROM RAPPU. This will cost 1000 lessons.


Thaumizers are special containers used by Ylemnists to create contraptions.
These contraptions can range from a simple adding machine to more complex
series of circuits which control doors and chests remotely. They hold ylemnic
blocks, ylem dust and even keys. However, most individuals only need to know
how to use a finished contraption.

When probing a thaumizer, you will see something such as:

This thaumizer anticipates: pressing, entering and leaving.
It holds 5000 units of ylem dust.

The second line reports the amount of ylem dust stored within this thaumizer.
This is used to power the circuit within. Anyone is able to put more ylem
shards into a thaumizer should it be short on power.

The first line shows the various events which can trigger a thaumizer:

    Pressing    PRESS <thaumizer>
    Pushing     PUSH <thaumizer>
    Touching    TOUCH <thaumizer>
    Dialing     DIAL <thaumizer> <number>
    Turning     TURN <thaumizer> <number>
    Twisting    TWIST <thaumizer> <number>
    Entering    Someone enters the room.
    Leaving     Someone leaves the room.
    Dropping    Someone drops an item in the room.
    Picking     Someone picks up an item from the room.
    Time        Time itself triggers this thaumizer.

Note that a Ylemnist can install special blocks which limits who is able to
interact with a thaumizer. Lastly, a thaumizer must be on the ground to


Anywhere you may provide a number value, it must be between -2,147,483,647 and
2,147,483,647. Individual blocks can only hold those amounts, and it is
possible that a thaumizer could display an erroneous value when dealing with
large numbers.