Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6722-6683

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6722Jun 22nd, 2022Re: yap, yap, yapEotaia Allegra CadieuxLenoriel Ali'vani
6721Jun 22nd, 2022yap, yap, yapLenoriel Ali'vaniEotaia Allegra Cadieux
6720Jun 22nd, 2022I thought you should knowLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickSir Finid Gallant, the Wild Rose
6719Jun 22nd, 2022Re: FollyEotaia Allegra CadieuxLenoriel Ali'vani
6718Jun 22nd, 2022Harsh RealitySir Finid Gallant, the Wild RoseEveryone
6717Jun 22nd, 2022FollyLenoriel Ali'vaniEveryone
6716Jun 22nd, 2022The Sterion WarLady Rihrin of SapphireEveryone
6715Jun 22nd, 2022Point of OrderHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhLady Rihrin of Sapphire
6714Jun 21st, 2022ResponseLady Rihrin of SapphireEveryone
6713Jun 21st, 2022Our sacred dutySadako, Venerable and InscrutableLady Rihrin of Sapphire
6712Jun 21st, 2022Surrender of SterionLady Rihrin of SapphireEveryone
6711Jun 17th, 2022Masilia: Rebuilding UpdateAudrena, the Invictus PrimeraEveryone
6710Jun 17th, 2022Arboreans of Cantor's CopseValorie ArestiEveryone
6709Jun 17th, 2022Arboreans of Cantor's CopseKurakEveryone
6708Jun 16th, 2022Conclusion of the Auction of FleshChaplain Galilei Ladoran, Winter HostessEveryone
6707Jun 16th, 2022Tournament Award CeremonyXenia SeirathEveryone
6706Jun 13th, 2022Assistance Requested!Audrena, the Invictus PrimeraEveryone
6705Jun 10th, 2022Tournament of Divine War Games UpdateXenia SeirathEveryone
6704Jun 8th, 2022Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6703Jun 8th, 2022A Request for Information on the HelmEaku RedwoodEveryone
6702Jun 6th, 2022Warning to the LumberjacksLady Rihrin of SapphireEveryone
6701Jun 1st, 2022Tournament of Divine War GamesXenia SeirathEveryone
6700Jun 1st, 2022My apologies.Knight-Chaplain Ayastia Aldrati, Hikdati wo JedImperator Nipsy Cardinalis
6699Jun 1st, 2022In time the hardiness will waneImperator Nipsy CardinalisKnight-Chaplain Ayastia Aldrati, Hikdati wo Jed
6698Jun 1st, 2022Get with the timesKnight-Chaplain Ayastia Aldrati, Hikdati wo JedXenia Seirath
6697Jun 1st, 2022Valuing OurselvesXenia SeirathEveryone
6696Jun 1st, 2022Raising Prices for Elixirs or not to.Shaper Xolotl Terrenus, Priest of the DesertEveryone
6695May 30th, 2022Fallacies of LogicKnight Finid Gallant, the Wild RoseEveryone
6694May 30th, 2022The price of ElixirsXenia SeirathEveryone
6693May 28th, 2022The Auction of Flesh, 502-503 MAChaplain Galilei LadoranEveryone
6692May 26th, 2022Froth on the brain.Sir Benedicto SilverainImperator Nipsy Cardinalis
6691May 26th, 2022Strength in Slaughter, Blood, Undeath, Earth...etceteraImperator Nipsy CardinalisSir Benedicto Silverain
6690May 26th, 2022Champion's Tournament of Divine War GamesXenia SeirathEveryone
6689May 15th, 2022The Midnight Age Drink ContestLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6688May 13th, 2022Ollin border closureKazarine, Ambassador of OllinEveryone
6687May 11th, 2022Bite through the chainsLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6686May 11th, 2022Amendment to Bloodlochian FeteChaplain Galilei LadoranEveryone
6685May 10th, 2022Bloodlochian SummerChaplain Galilei LadoranEveryone
6684May 10th, 2022Perfume in print.Lin the RojalliEveryone
6683May 6th, 2022The Rise of an EmpireDevout Elene Arcan-TetzauhEveryone

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