Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6494-6455

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6494Dec 6th, 2021The Empire's DeclarationDevout Elene Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6493Dec 6th, 2021DuiranSaidenn Tetzauh Ash'aji ArcanEveryone
6492Dec 6th, 2021Thank youWildfire Caitria Cardinalis, the HellcatEveryone
6491Dec 5th, 2021Great Sapience Bake Off Session Two!Kjell MulariadEveryone
6490Dec 2nd, 2021The Order of Lord Ivoln and youMotrec Tun, Messenger of UndeathEveryone
6489Nov 29th, 2021The Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6488Nov 28th, 2021Thank youPentarch Kalena EmersonEveryone
6487Nov 28th, 2021Our ThanksIsia Taziyah, the Gilded HuntressEveryone
6486Nov 23rd, 2021BleatingArchmage Xavin TaziyahShadow Mistress, Teani Stormwill
6485Nov 22nd, 2021A correction on locationPrincess Maeve NehekharaEveryone
6484Nov 21st, 2021Celebration reminder and date changePrincess Maeve NehekharaEveryone
6483Nov 15th, 2021Sermons in EnorianIsia Taziyah, the Gilded HuntressShadow Mistress, Teani Stormwill
6482Nov 8th, 2021A CelebrationPrincess Maeve NehekharaEveryone
6481Oct 29th, 2021Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6480Oct 26th, 2021From the Grand Library: Reminder and Referendum!Head Librarian TegolethEveryone
6479Oct 21st, 2021Assorted bickeringInkhEveryone
6478Oct 21st, 2021Revel in the HuntDevout Elene Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6477Oct 21st, 2021The Hunt beginsRhine Aquila Taziyah MulariadEveryone
6476Oct 12th, 2021Warrens of the ForgottenSaidenn Tetzauh Ash'aji ArcanEveryone
6475Oct 6th, 2021The Waterfyre AuctionFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6474Oct 3rd, 2021Invitation from the Grand Library: Memorabilia Collection!Head Librarian TegolethEveryone
6473Sep 25th, 2021Mourning, RegretSer Lim, the DreadlordChurch
6472Sep 25th, 2021Apologies and RejectionsAloli C. Silverain GallantEveryone
6471Sep 25th, 2021apologyLord Tetchta V. Mesis, the Sphygmic ProphetChurch
6470Sep 25th, 2021ApologyCzcibor SvinChurch
6469Sep 25th, 2021"Apologies" and Delays.Speaker Illidan "The Ogre" Aresti-Te'StraifChurch
6468Sep 25th, 2021Mourning, Regret, AtonementChurchEveryone
6467Sep 19th, 2021LotteryRihrin SilverainEveryone
6466Sep 17th, 2021Syndicate Foreman Election: ResultsMayor GorbertEveryone
6465Sep 16th, 2021Church's endorsementChief Constable BeckEveryone
6464Sep 16th, 2021Gorshire IncidentChurchEveryone
6463Sep 16th, 2021Gorshire's acceptance re: apologyMayor GorbertWildfire Caitria Cardinalis, the Hellcat
6462Sep 16th, 2021An apology from the Duiran CouncilWildfire Caitria Cardinalis, the HellcatEveryone
6461Sep 16th, 2021There's nobody quite like Philbert!PhilbertEveryone
6460Sep 16th, 2021The Gorshire Mining SyndicateMayor GorbertEveryone
6459Sep 14th, 2021Warrens of the ForgottenSaidenn Tetzauh Ash'aji ArcanEveryone
6458Sep 8th, 2021Esityi's InfluenceSer BulrokEveryone
6457Sep 8th, 2021A strange spelling for DamarielDreadknight Ehtias, the BrewtalizerEveryone
6456Sep 4th, 2021Ulangi Expedition: Phase TwoDurentesh, Senior ResearcherEveryone
6455Sep 3rd, 2021InimitableIndecipherableEveryone

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