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Public News Post #6469

"Apologies" and Delays.

Written by: Speaker Illidan "The Ogre" Aresti-Te'Straif
Date: Saturday, September 25th, 2021
Addressed to: Church

To quote you directly - "To the people of Duiran: I am sorry if you or those around you believed that my thoughts and actions were representative of your own as a whole. Once, perhaps, but that ceased years ago and this skewed perception was unfair to the children of the Oak."

If, Church? There is no if. Your actions directly affected the entire Council until the Voice had to apologize on your behalf. You were given every opportunity to formulate an apology within a reasonable amount of time, so it has been reported, and you doubled and tripled down on your arrogant and delusional thought process. This is not an apology, and we do not accept it as such.

What I will accept, however, is the product of the fallout you caused. As we in the Praadi have witnessed from the Hunter himself, sometimes important flowers are planted in bad soil, and need to be uprooted and transferred for them to thrive once again. Thank you for the beautiful additions to our garden.

I hope whatever half-baked "apology" you pose is enough to convince the Citizens of the Beacon, which I'm sure is what gave you the motivation to write...whatever you want to call that, in the first place. You will find no quarter here.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 13th of Haernos, in the year 497 MA.

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