Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6614-6575

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6614Mar 28th, 2022RevelationIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6613Mar 28th, 2022Freedom and LightKnight Finid Gallant, the Wild RoseEveryone
6612Mar 28th, 2022Fight for yourselvesLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6611Mar 28th, 2022RevelationsKnight-Chaplain Ayastia Aldrati, Hikdati wo JedHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6610Mar 28th, 2022Spirit of ResolveKnight Finid Gallant, the Wild RoseEveryone
6609Mar 28th, 2022The Truth of RevelationHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6608Mar 28th, 2022A new wind blowsLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6607Mar 28th, 2022-Knight-Commander Sryaen Cardinalis, the SpectreEveryone
6606Mar 25th, 2022NoAlela of the Thousand EyesLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The Tick
6605Mar 25th, 2022Sword-turning FleshLin the RojalliEveryone
6604Mar 25th, 2022Of Moths and FliesUmbral Rose Allegra CadieuxEveryone
6603Mar 25th, 2022ClaritySenator Holbrook HoughtKnight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald Wolf
6602Mar 25th, 2022A ResponseKnight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald WolfEveryone
6601Mar 25th, 2022contradictionsSenator Holbrook HoughtKnight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald Wolf
6600Mar 25th, 2022Since when...Lady Alela of the Thousand EyesKnight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald Wolf
6599Mar 25th, 2022Shadow Spawn and Stray DogsKnight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald WolfEveryone
6598Mar 25th, 2022StancesHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6597Mar 25th, 2022ConvictionsSenator Holbrook HoughtProvost Aeryx Saravhin, Son of Truth
6596Mar 24th, 2022TruthLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickProvost Aeryx Saravhin, Son of Truth
6595Mar 24th, 2022Free Will and the TruthProvost Aeryx Saravhin, Son of TruthHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6594Mar 24th, 2022A theatrical announcementHaratos, Master of the TheaterEveryone
6593Mar 24th, 2022You, and those you claimWatcher Illikaal Aresti-Te'StraifHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6592Mar 24th, 2022Your DecreeIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6591Mar 24th, 2022Simple TruthHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6590Jan 1st, 1970
6589Mar 23rd, 2022-Esrytesh Sibatti dur NayaLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The Tick
6588Mar 23rd, 2022Shatter your cageLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6587Mar 22nd, 2022Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6586Mar 18th, 2022Shop for sale, give me your moneyLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6585Mar 9th, 2022The Vintal CircleEsrytesh Sibatti dur NayaEveryone
6584Mar 6th, 2022Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6583Mar 2nd, 2022A troupe for a GoddessWildfire Caitria Cardinalis, the HellcatEveryone
6582Feb 26th, 2022Crush the lies beneath your heelLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6581Feb 24th, 2022AnswersSister Aloli S. GallantOmei, the Imago
6580Feb 23rd, 2022Truth is dead.Omei, the NightmareSister Aloli S. Gallant
6579Feb 23rd, 2022An apologySister Aloli S. GallantOmei, the Imago
6578Feb 22nd, 2022EMBRACE the BLOODLieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The TickEveryone
6577Feb 22nd, 2022an alternative to fearKurakEveryone
6576Feb 22nd, 2022Your CowardiceIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerDamariel mot Lanosaryon, the Unbound
6575Feb 19th, 2022Midwinter's DreamingChaplain Galilei LadoranEveryone

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