Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6454-6415

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6454Sep 3rd, 2021Kingslayer expedition conclusion!Bok, a Kobold salesmanEveryone
6453Sep 2nd, 2021An invitation for the BahkatuHuntress Valorie ArestiEveryone
6452Sep 2nd, 2021Referendum 538Durentesh, Senior ResearcherEveryone
6451Aug 31st, 2021Kingslayer ExpeditionBok, a Kobold salesmanEveryone
6450Aug 31st, 2021Legendary game season three!Tahlv, a big game hunterEveryone
6449Aug 30th, 2021Ulangi Expedition: Investors Needed!Durentesh, Senior ResearcherEveryone
6448Aug 10th, 2021The Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6447Jul 24th, 2021RecallIndecipherableEveryone
6446Jul 4th, 2021The Warlord BamathisCommander Mjoll "Foehammer" SeirathEveryone
6445Jun 24th, 2021Sentaari GatheringRihrin SilverainEveryone
6444Jun 23rd, 2021Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6443Jun 21st, 2021A fresh startLourand, mayor of LirangiEveryone
6442Jun 18th, 2021Heartwood Auction! Bid one, bid all!Listener MatiEveryone
6441Jun 14th, 2021Esterport shop auctionZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6440May 27th, 2021The jig is up!Chaplain Alela Arcan, An Echo of LaughterEveryone
6439May 22nd, 2021Spooky!Chaplain Alela Arcan, Thousand-EyedEveryone
6438May 22nd, 2021MockeryReggie, the stable boyChaplain Alela Arcan, Thousand-Eyed
6437May 20th, 2021I've returned!Chaplain Alela Arcan, Thousand-EyedSeneschal Whippet
6436May 20th, 2021?Seneschal WhippetEveryone
6435May 18th, 2021Saffron returns!A weathered merchant in muted silksEveryone
6434May 10th, 2021The Waterfyre FestivalRoux AquilaEveryone
6433May 10th, 2021Lord Ivoln Essence Contest ConclusionDamonicus, The Wretched ImperatorEveryone
6432May 2nd, 2021Sciomancer Auction CloseShade Mistress Odette Blacktalon, Sundown SpinnerEveryone
6431Apr 30th, 2021I have returned!A rotund, silk-draped merchantEveryone
6430Apr 28th, 2021A deal with CorruptionPentarch Kalena EmersonEveryone
6429Apr 26th, 2021Sciomancer AuctionOdette Blacktalon, Sundown SpinnerEveryone
6428Apr 16th, 2021Essence ContestDamonicus, The Wretched ImperatorEveryone
6427Apr 11th, 2021Festival of Light: Templar Guild EventHeadmistress Kaiara GallantEveryone
6426Apr 11th, 2021Festival of Light!Orunmila GallantEveryone
6425Apr 8th, 2021Healing ServicesRihrin SilverainEveryone
6424Mar 9th, 2021Tournament of Order ChampionsDamonicus, the WretchedEveryone
6423Feb 27th, 2021I'm proud of you.Ser Alela Arcan, Tainted ChaplainEveryone
6422Feb 26th, 2021The Dreamqueen's Bath HouseLin the Chaos EaterEveryone
6421Feb 22nd, 2021A night under the stars update!Raynia Riahl, Shadow WardenEveryone
6420Feb 20th, 2021Regarding A Night Under The StarsConservator Valdas KarinhiEveryone
6419Feb 15th, 2021Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6418Feb 15th, 2021Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6417Feb 15th, 2021Chapel of Serenity Welcomes YouDeacon Meriana Silverain, Elievie fio CiehiaEveryone
6416Feb 15th, 2021Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6415Feb 15th, 2021Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone

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