Aetolian Game News

Poetry News Posts: 1996-1957

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1996Jun 24th, 2024A Short MetamorphosisNaivaraEveryone
1995Jun 21st, 2024UntitledNavier VisaraEveryone
1994Jun 16th, 2024You Know +Who+Navier VisaraEveryone
1993Jun 13th, 2024Home, Heart, and HoardNaivaraThe City of Spinesreach
1992Jun 13th, 2024RedMaeve Visara, the Red TyrantNavier Visara
1991Jun 10th, 2024As PromisedNavier VisaraEveryone
1990Jun 3rd, 2024To a Man +now+ DeadScribe of Ashes, Navier VisaraEveryone
1989Jun 3rd, 2024Something overdueArbiter Traice LegareBhajal Kuzirnai, Silkspinner
1988Jun 1st, 2024An Elegy OverdueMaeve Visara, the Red TyrantQor Qogol, the Deepest City
1987May 31st, 2024A HaikuDo-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity MageEveryone
1986May 31st, 2024Dream or RealityHellion NoxxEveryone
1985May 29th, 2024Worth A Thousand WordsDr. Pietre Marcelli, Winter's CulinarianElementalist Boube Boube, Chief Broccoli Inspector
1984May 13th, 2024Winter's Clutch: Water's ResolveVarshatesh Kuzirnai, Little SisterEveryone
1983May 8th, 2024Sorry For Being So MindlessZeeZee
1982May 8th, 2024Fishing, not CatchingZeeEveryone
1981Apr 19th, 2024Ode to the DurdalisThegn Sekeres Dark-wing, Beast of MidnightEveryone
1980Apr 12th, 2024The dance of madnessUlo Ka'aukai, Oracle of MadnessEveryone
1979Mar 24th, 2024To my Muse: Once UnsungSquire CastilianEveryone
1978Mar 18th, 2024YOU KNOW WHO YOU AREMenace Meleah 'Bravewish' SilverainEveryone
1977Mar 15th, 2024Remorseful WhispersArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiDhar, the Underking
1976Mar 14th, 2024An Ode to Warden ShilkarMelpo the MagnificentThe City of Bloodloch
1975Mar 13th, 2024Azvosh, Czjetija, or YlemMelpo the MagnificentEveryone
1974Mar 10th, 2024The Battle Hymn of an Aspiring PagePage CastilianEveryone
1973Mar 3rd, 2024The Blooded BrideRed Tyrant Maeve Visara, a Most Eligible WidowPaxe Visara, Presumed Deceased
1972Feb 28th, 2024A Song for SapienceMelpo the MagnificentEveryone
1971Feb 24th, 2024From Ash AnewFyerin Ilea SilverainEveryone
1970Feb 18th, 2024A love letter to the desertsMelpo the MagnificentEveryone
1969Feb 17th, 2024YearningMaeve Visara, the Red TyrantEveryone
1968Feb 17th, 2024TransienceArbiter Ulo Ka'aukaiEveryone
1967Feb 11th, 2024The DanceHellhound Knigi ArashiEveryone
1966Feb 11th, 2024MasqueradeMenace-In-Training, Meleah 'Bravewish' SilverainMaeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
1965Feb 8th, 2024Silver MournMaeve Visara, the Red TyrantBamathis, the Lost
1964Dec 24th, 2023re; re: HueSetrahInkh
1963Dec 24th, 2023re: HueSetrahInkh
1962Dec 22nd, 2023HueInkhEveryone
1961Dec 10th, 2023AuroraDr. Pietre MarcelliEveryone
1960Dec 6th, 2023Liberation in the NightJinevaEveryone
1959Sep 10th, 2023Drunken ChaosSpecter WyliEveryone
1958Aug 20th, 2023Brave Little Soldier GirlHerald Reynard EverbrightEveryone
1957Aug 20th, 2023Memory and DreamNesveti Myrnma, the Imago's TimbrelEveryone

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