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Poetry News Post #1984

Winter's Clutch: Water's Resolve

Written by: Varshatesh Kuzirnai, Little Sister
Date: Monday, May 13th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Deep within, I still abide,
A spark of life can't be denied.
For when the thaw begins to creep,
I'll rise again from winter's sleep.

Fear not for me, through winter's chill,
For in my depths, I'm never still.
I'll flow once more when spring arrives,
Swimming my waters, life survives.

For now the cold will steal my sway,
My voice is edged, I do not play.
Let the wintry snow descend,
I, the water, do not bend.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 6th of Ios, in the year 4 AC.

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