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Poetry News Post #1986

Dream or Reality

Written by: Hellion Noxx
Date: Friday, May 31st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

as I walk into the land of anger and destruction

walking on the road of hopeless dreams

I find myself out of luck of finding the light

going to the king of fear

to finding myself lying in a cage with no escape

from myself and the bodies of the tortured

I feel the fingers of the betrayed crawling up my back

lacking everything good in reality

hope that turns away and goes too far out of reach

now I see the dead and demented bodies come out of their graves

they throw me in a six by six hole

burying me alive

then I see the crypt keeper with a devilish smile

laughing at me saying your soul is lost

with a mouth full of dirt I cry out loud "its only a dream"

I wake up with sweat dripping from my body

is it a dream or am I facing reality of how my life is

distressed and overwhelmed with unsatisfactory

for who I am......

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 13th of Celes, in the year 4 AC.

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