4.15.16 Roleplaying a Bard

Bards are performer-assassins, trained in the ancient traditions of Djeir's Theater of Shadows. They are a diverse and multi-dimensional profession, seamlessly blending physical dexterity and wit with both the mysterious art of light weaving and the ability to elicit powerful magical effects from their songs. Though Djeirani in origin and steeped in the Undercity's culture, training in the Bardic arts became available to Sapience in the Year 502, following the profession's near-destruction by the hands of Nalibhtavi, the Replete, a year prior. 

What is the Theater of Shadows?
Located deep within Djeir, the Theater is the historical sanctuary of the Bards, known for its entertaining blend of both traditional drama and blood sport. When the Undercity found itself embroiled in civil war, the Theater emerged as an unexpected political power, expanding their skills from mere entertainment and theatrics into the art of aristocratic assassination. So vast was the influence of the Theater in those days that it achieved what few had ever done before: uniting the noble houses of the Undercity against it. 

It was a man known as Vascsce, a low-born commoner, who would ensure the Theater's continued existence into the modern era, slaughtering the heads of each house save for that of his beloved, Nueciale Garilicci. In so doing, Vascsce not only preserved the ways of the Bards and averted their eradication, but cleared the way for Nueciale to claim the Djeirani throne as Empress, ending the civil war and earning the right of attro ca pa'sa in a concordat that lasts until this very day.

What is the Concordat?
The Concordat is a contract between the Theater of Shadows and the throne of Djeir. Its terms establish the Empress of Djeir as the Theater's Patron and affords the Bards the right of attro ca pa'sa - the Grace of the Empress. It is this royal assent that guarantees the Bards freedom from prosecution or punishment for their assassinations, effectively legalising the act provided certain conditions are met.

In exchange for this freedom, the Theater of Shadows agrees not to take contracts or writs on the throne of Djeir, providing immunity from the organisation's assassins. 

Invoking attro ca pa'sa requires that the Ceremony of the Rose - known more commonly as Da'ath Nievva - be carried out prior to any assassination attempt. This elaborate ritual involves the presenting of a black rose to the intended target, whereupon they are given the choice whether to accept it (and in so doing, deny the spectacle of a true assassination) or refuse it, all but ensuring a dramatic and mesmerising assassination. Following the kill, the Bard must place the rose upon the target's corpse, bow, and verbally invoke the Empress's Grace. 

Provided the Bard follows these conditions and does not return to the Theater until the following day, the assassination is a legal one, and they will not face consequences.

How are the powers of the class accessed?
Through Performance, a Bard hones their physical dexterity to its limits, allowing them to conduct elaborate acrobatic displays and utilise their own body as a weapon. It is this skill which forms the basis of many traditional Bardic activities: use of disguises, acting, charming others, and dramatic histrionics are all within the remit of Performance.

Weaving is an ancient Djeirani discipline that involves shaping light into illusory objects and magical effects. This draws on ambient spirit in a technique that has been passed down through generations of Djeirani history. Countless props are at the disposal of a skilled weaver, and their ability to manipulate light provides a myriad of advantages both on and off the battlefield.

Songcalling allows a Bard to use their voice as a weapon, empowering music to transform the mundane into the mystical. Each song of power belongs to an illustrious collection known as The Eminent Ensemble; these are invariably great ballads of legend and myth whose lyrics and melodies have impacted people across the ages. By using their soul as a catalyst, a skilled Bard is able to tap into this musical legendarium and manipulate the emotions of an audience with ease.

Visual style of the class:
In order to properly fulfil their obligations and invoke attro ca pa'sa, the Bard must work with dramatic flourish and elaborate effect. Despite the supposed mundane physicality of performance, a Bard's dexterous acrobatics and skilled swordplay are well-honed to provide entertainment and spectacle. Weaving ranges in intensity from pinpricks of light to great shows of illumination depending on the complexity of the act. Arguably its most distinguishable creation are the globes of bright light which orbit a victim, but falling stars are also a common sight.

Selection of one's instrument is an extremely personal choice for the Bard, requiring that they imbue a portion of their soul into it in order to both play and sing simultaneously. Such a bond makes the instrument a prominent feature in their ballads and tunes, and the hands of a master are a truly captivating sight to behold when they play.

Side effects of use:
Constant physical exertion has a profound effect on the body, and it is paramount that a Bard respects their limits, taking appropriate time to rest and to warm up prior to any particularly taxing endeavour. The risk of physical exhaustion and injury is intensified by the "dithering" effect that comes about from prolonged weaving - complex light-work is both extremely taxing and difficult, though its effects can be mitigated by wearing jewellery made from onyx.

How to roleplay the class:
Bards encompass a wide range of archetypes, including charming rogues, cunning swashbucklers, and lively brawlers. Rarely are any two alike given the vast platform for expression that theatrics and the dramatics art provide for. Murder is an omnipresent facet of even the most outwardly sophisticated societies; as such, a Bard adheres to no strict alignment or morality, choosing their own way. Essential, however, is a love of the dramatic and a fondness for stories, whether it be a grand saga delivered in royal chant or a bawdy tale of lust and love shared over the spit and sawdust of a seedy inn.