8.33 Class Incompatibility
The game is divided between two primary Tethers: Spirit and Shadow. Each class, with the exception of a small number of neutral classes, are tethered to either the Spirit or Shadow realm. One can not hold active classes from both realms, but may hold any neutral class in conjunction with either tethering. The list of classes and their tethering is as follows: SPIRIT UNTETHERED SHADOW -------------------------------------------- Ascendril Shapeshifter Bloodborn Shaman Monk Alchemist Luminary Infiltrator Earthcaller Templar Wayfarer Revenant Sentinel Bard Executor Zealot Predator Ravager Warden Siderealist Carnifex Oneiromancer Indorani Voidseer Archivist Tidesage Teradrim Akkari Praenomen Runecarver Sciomancer Cities and their associated guilds are anchored to each tether, and an individual may not join a city of Spirit if maintaining a class of Shadow, nor join a city of Shadow while maintaining a class of Spirit. Bloodloch and Spinesreach are the cities tethered to Shadow. Enorian and Duiran are the cities tethered to Spirit. In order to change tether, you must QUIT your City, and/or Guild. Next, you must join a city of the opposite tether, and this must be done before you are able to join a guild. Example: To move from Bloodloch and the Dominion to Enorian and the Ascendril, you must QUIT BLOODLOCH, QUIT DOMINION, as well as seek the Cure for your vampirism (other players can assist). You would then join Enorian, which shifts your tether, and then the Ascendril. It is possible to hold classes that are not aligned with your current tether. These classes will be inactive and unable to be switched to, though it is still possible for you to become apprenticed into an inactive class. Your tether will only ever change when joining a city.