11 Deities of Sapience

Deities of Sapience - Table of Contents

   11.1  Pantheon             Information about the Divine.

   Orderless Gods
      11.1.3  Razmael            The Synthesist.
      11.1.4  Keroc              The Starborn.
   The Divine Pantheon
      11.2.1  Bamathis           The Lost.
      11.2.3  Dhar               The Underking.
      11.2.4  Chakrasul          Goddess of Corruption
      11.2.6  Haern              The Hunter.
      11.2.9  Tanixalthas        The Sun Drinker
      11.2.12 Slyphe             The Dauntless.
      11.2.13 Lexadhra           The Indelible.
      11.2.14 Abhorash           The Hegemonist.
      11.2.15 Zyrialith          The Virulence.
      11.2.16 Celezor            Accord of the Righteous.
      11.2.17 Arvelis            The Jackal.
      11.2.18 Euthymius          The Heart of Sapience.
   Departed Gods
      11.3.1  Arion              Lord of Valor.
      11.3.2  Auresae            Goddess of Fire.
      11.3.3  Dhaivol            The Junctioned Underking.
      11.3.4  Khepri             Mistress of Mirth.
      11.3.5  Lanos              Lord of Truth.
      11.3.6  Lleis              Goddess of Renewal.
      11.3.7  Niuri              Goddess of Mystery.
      11.3.8  Rahn               Lord of Flame.
      11.3.9  Ysmali             The Sanguine.
      11.3.10 Maghak             The Sovereign.
      11.3.11 Avareti            Goddess of Symmetry.
      11.2.7  Iosyne             The Malevolent.
      11.2.5  Ethne              The Rekindled.
      11.2.10 Omei               The Imago.
      11.2.2  Damariel           The Unbound.
      11.2.11 Severn             The Manipulator.
      11.2.8  Ivoln              The Earthen Lord.
      11.1.1  Varian             The Celestine.

   Elder Gods
      11.4.1 Varo                The Keeper of the Close.
      11.4.2 Yanai               The Evergiving Earth.
      11.4.3 Koduses             The Witness.
      11.4.4 Helera              The Golden Sovereign.
      11.4.5 Nalibhtavi          The Replete.
      11.4.6 Irathael            The Magician.

   11.4  Celani               Servants of the Gods.
   11.5  Congregations        For those seeking to join a Divine Order.
   11.6  Divinefavor          Rewards and punishments from the Gods.
   11.7  Divine Order         All about the Order of a Divine.
      11.7.1 Order Powers     Order powers and privileges. 
   11.8  God Essence          The Severance and Emergence of Essence.
   11.9  Holy Wars            The Orders march to War.
   11.10 Patronage            The purpose of Divine Patronage.
   11.11 Shrines & Monuments  Holy shrines and offerings.
   11.12 Temples              The Temples of the Gods.