11.1 Pantheon

Within the realm of Aetolia there exists two pantheons of Divine figures - those made by the Eschaton, Aetolia's Creator, and those wrought into existence by Varian in times before His departure to another realm. Those listed herein reside within the confines of Sapience, and are extremely powerful as they once were millennia ago. For Divine of Eschatonic make, please see HELP ALBEDOS GODS - the only exception to this is Celezor, who is composed of both Creators' essence and was Created by the Eschaton at the end of the Creators' Monomachy.

The following Gods walk among the denizens of Sapience today, and have their own Orders, temples, and shrines. Each God or Goddess influences Their own realm, Their purposes and goals differing dramatically from one another. Their reach extends beyond the simple delineation of sorting them into one side of Shadow or Spirit alignment.

  Abhorash, the Hegemonist
  Arvelis, the Jackal
  Bamathis, the Lost
  Chakrasul, the Dark Mother
  Celezor, Accord of the Righteous
  Dhar, the Underking
  Euthymius, the Heart of Sapience
  Haern, the Hunter
  Lexadhra, the Indelible
  Slyphe, the Dauntless 
  Tanixalthas, the Sun Drinker
  Zyrialith, the Virulence

The following Gods existed in one form or another at some point in Aetolia's history but have either deceased, departed beyond mortal worship or changed so as to become unrecognisable.

  Avareti, Goddess of Symmetry
  Arion, the Truthseeker
  Auresae, Goddess of Fire
  Damariel, the Unbound
  Dhaivol, the Underking
  Ethne, the Rekindled
  Iosyne, the Malevolent
  Ivoln, the Earthen Lord
  Khepri, the Seething Chaos
  Lanos, Lord of Truth
  Lleis, the Verdant
  Maghak, the Sovereign
  Niuri, the Ultraist
  Omei, the Imago
  Rahn, God of Fire
  Severn, the Manipulator
  Ysmali, the Sanguine
  Varian, the Celestine
For more specific information on a particular God, try reading HELP <god>, eg HELP VARIAN.

If you wish to contact a God in-character, please use PRAYTO <god> <message>.

PRAYTO LIST will show you a list of available Gods to pray to. Do not abuse this system, or you may find yourself harshly punished.