Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6134-6095

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6134Sep 22nd, 2017Matters of Drinking...leave it to the SpireansArcanist Runas ElindianEveryone
6133Sep 22nd, 2017ResponsesMagister ShachalaiEveryone
6132Sep 22nd, 2017AcceptancePentarch Rasani MorrogEsrytesh Sibatti dur Naya
6131Sep 22nd, 2017ResponseShadow Warden Tekias UymariMagister Shachalai
6130Sep 22nd, 2017CorruptionPrincess Marharet D'baenMagister Shachalai
6129Sep 21st, 2017Brief notesMagister ShachalaiEveryone
6128Sep 21st, 2017Public News Summary: 465-468 MAEsrytesh Sibatti dur NayaEveryone
6127Sep 21st, 2017VocabularyShadow Warden Tekias UymariMagister Shachalai
6126Sep 21st, 2017Ah, well.Magister ShachalaiLorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an, Death's Champion
6125Sep 21st, 2017PrideLorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an, Death's ChampionMagister Shachalai
6124Sep 21st, 2017CorrectionsMagister ShachalaiPrincess Marharet D'baen
6123Sep 21st, 2017InvitationPrincess Marharet D'baenEveryone
6122Sep 20th, 2017Edict of Armistice: ResolvedVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6121Sep 12th, 2017Who caresRazerEveryone
6120Sep 6th, 2017What?Magister ShachalaiInquisitor Vyxsis Qizzeke, Atele wo Oro Du
6119Sep 6th, 2017What.Docent Eliadon EcceliantInquisitor Vyxsis Qizzeke, Atele wo Oro Du
6118Sep 6th, 2017Do you have nothing better to do?Inquisitor Vyxsis Qizzeke, Atele wo Oro DuMagister Shachalai
6117Sep 4th, 2017ResponseMagister ShachalaiArcanist Runas Elindian
6116Sep 4th, 2017How to handle rejection.Arcanist Runas ElindianMagister Shachalai
6115Sep 4th, 2017About time the vampires weighed in.Magister ShachalaiLorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an, Death's Messenger
6114Sep 4th, 2017Spirit, shadow and death to SapienceLorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an, Death's MessengerMagister Shachalai
6113Sep 4th, 2017Shut UpYaulianEveryone
6112Sep 4th, 2017An even simpler replyMagister ShachalaiShadow Warden Tekias Uymari
6111Sep 4th, 2017A simple replyShadow Warden Tekias UymariMagister Shachalai
6110Sep 4th, 2017A correction to the last paragraphMagister ShachalaiShadow Warden Tekias Uymari
6109Sep 4th, 2017You are absolutely full of it.Magister ShachalaiShadow Warden Tekias Uymari
6108Sep 4th, 2017A verbose response to a verbose challengeShadow Warden Tekias UymariMagister Shachalai
6107Sep 3rd, 2017Hm.Magister ShachalaiSciomancer Verrillia, Itzatl Sorceress
6106Sep 3rd, 2017Conjecture as performance art.Sciomancer Verrillia, Itzatl SorceressMagister Shachalai
6105Sep 3rd, 2017You're wrong.Magister ShachalaiSciomancer Verrillia, Itzatl Sorceress
6104Sep 3rd, 2017Calling the betSciomancer Verrillia, Itzatl SorceressMagister Shachalai
6103Sep 2nd, 2017The use of ShadowMagister ShachalaiShadow Warden Tekias Uymari
6102Aug 30th, 2017Grand Opening EventEowyn, the DirewolfEveryone
6101Aug 28th, 2017Edict of ArmisticeVagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6100Aug 28th, 2017The DescentGrand Duchess Marharet D'baenEveryone
6099Aug 27th, 2017SPIREAN GAZETTE NO: 3 (Now With Flavor of Hope and Despair!)Vagrant Lord Kalak VaelinosEveryone
6098Aug 27th, 2017DisregardArcanist Runas ElindianEveryone
6097Aug 27th, 2017Potential risk of mutagen release being stolen - Subject ConfidentialArcanist Runas ElindianEveryone
6096Aug 18th, 2017GrianaWylliam Laidir, Fionna`FaolJensen
6095Aug 18th, 2017DespairJensenEveryone

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