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Public News Post #6125


Written by: Lorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an, Death's Champion
Date: Thursday, September 21st, 2017
Addressed to: Magister Shachalai

Greetings Magister,

Having read your latest, I felt compelled to speak a few words.

What is and what is not a word, and their meanings is always a matter of
debate. To declare what something means to someone else would be quite
pretentious indeed, not to mention close-minded. That said, these kinds
of self-aggrandizing attempts have become somewhat expected from you. I
take it there are so few who stroke your blown up ego in your hometown,
that you take it your passive aggression on whoever is willing to listen
to your meaningless rants.

As far as food goes, I do enjoy a nice conversation with my food. I find
it marvellously enjoyable that I eat intelligent food, while you eat the
dumbest lifeforms alive. On the scale of who eats who, that so often
decides who the ruling races are, there used to be you on top. Then we
started eating you, and I can see how that is a disturbing notion, but
that is your life.

On the matter of desires, there is no edict that states it need be
forbidden desires, though I fail to see why anyone would deny themselves
available desires. If your desire is to burn a leech, go ahead, if it is
to eat chocolate, go ahead, if it is to read a book, go ahead. Changing
ones mindset from that of restriction to that of freedom is the most
important part, and I would have thought you could understand that
sentiment, but I suppose you chose not to, out of a larger need to spew
your nonsense.

Did it ever strike your mind that the light was considered and found
wanting? That everyone can see the light flickering towards failure in
every aspect of life, or rather unlife, in Sapience? The Dark Mother is
largely the reason for the failure of the light. She makes us stronger,
more alert, and ready to strike blows of any magnitude to those who
stand in our way.

And as I mentioned to you before. Vampires do not explicitly need the
races of Sapience. We may very well feed from the beings of the Shadow
and Chaos planes, and I am certain they may also be turned to our kin.
We enjoy eating you lot because you are so readily available.

Death find you,

Lorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 5th of Lanosian, in the year 468 MA.

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