Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6414-6375

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6414Feb 10th, 2021Resolution.Omei, the ImagoArchitect Saidenn Tetzauh
6413Feb 9th, 2021Let me tell you four jokes.Ser Alela Arcan, Tainted ChaplainEveryone
6412Feb 9th, 2021A first, and only, replyArchitect Saidenn TetzauhSpeaker Jhura, the Imago's Violinist
6411Feb 9th, 2021Ill-conceived notionsSpeaker Jhura, the Imago's ViolinistEveryone
6410Feb 7th, 2021Night under the StarsMagus CetoEveryone
6409Feb 6th, 2021Earthen Crafting ContestImp Lord Archelaus AkuheiEveryone
6408Feb 6th, 2021Festival of Light Treasure Hunt!Deacon Meriana Silverain, Elievie fio CiehiaEveryone
6407Feb 1st, 2021We've moved!Giovelli RederanEveryone
6406Jan 27th, 2021The Waterfyre FestivalRoux AquilaEveryone
6405Jan 26th, 2021Earthen Crafting Contest Submission Period ExtensionImp Lord Archelaus AkuheiEveryone
6404Jan 25th, 2021The Iron Ivy Teahouse is SearchingSister Aloli Silverain GallantEveryone
6403Jan 25th, 2021Giovelli's Murder DomeGiovelli RederanEveryone
6402Jan 20th, 2021Light Rarities of Excellence Auction ResultsMischievous Meriana Silverain, Elievie fio CiehiaEveryone
6401Jan 18th, 2021A Crafting Contest of EarthImp Lord Archelaus AkuheiEveryone
6400Jan 4th, 2021Light Rarities of Excellence Auction and Basket List SaleMeriana Elievie fio CiehiaEveryone
6399Jan 2nd, 2021Adventurers wanted!Kyri, a fair and slender UtariEveryone
6398Dec 16th, 2020Apology To CongregationStudent MerekEveryone
6397Dec 16th, 2020The ShadowboundSavas SicariusEveryone
6396Dec 11th, 2020RestructuringSavas SicariusEveryone
6395Dec 8th, 2020Resolution of Bloodloch-Enorian FeudNaecelm SaltzEveryone
6394Dec 7th, 2020Aggressions and Diplomacy"Shadowlord" Rhyot Vyktaire, Warlord of ChaosNaecelm Saltz
6393Dec 7th, 2020Assault on Jaru and Bloodloch's siege to EnorianNaecelm SaltzEveryone
6392Dec 7th, 2020Public Apology"Shadowlord" Rhyot Vyktaire, Warlord of ChaosArchmage Velheima, Tempestuous Augur
6391Dec 7th, 2020Enorian act of agressionAnkyrean Adherent Warlord, Mazzion CardinalisEveryone
6390Dec 5th, 2020How may we help you?Savas SicariusEveryone
6389Dec 5th, 2020The Vintal CircleWatcher Esrytesh Sibatti dur NayaEveryone
6388Dec 2nd, 2020A Formal WarningNisavi of KemauEveryone
6387Nov 20th, 2020Enorian's Fundraiser from some time ago!Kaiara GallantEveryone
6386Nov 14th, 2020An end to heresyLin the RojalliEveryone
6385Nov 12th, 2020El'JaziraLieutenant Rijetta Alhazrad, Vafot wo FeyjaEveryone
6384Nov 1st, 2020Recent events in BihrkaenNaecelm SaltzEveryone
6383Oct 31st, 2020BLOOD SLAVESSer "Witness" Tetchta V. MesisPrimus Callidora Nehekhara
6382Oct 31st, 2020Blood Slaves!Primus Callidora NehekharaSer "Witness" Tetchta V. Mesis
6381Oct 31st, 2020BLOOD SLAVESSer "Witness" Tetchta V. MesisEveryone
6380Oct 21st, 2020Essence Drive for Sky DreamingSquire Galilei LadoranEveryone
6379Oct 11th, 2020A discarded letter shuffled into the pages.....Frog-King Oonagh Mulariad, the Ulangian RangerEveryone
6378Oct 10th, 2020The Waterfyre Festival - PostponedRoux AquilaEveryone
6377Oct 9th, 2020Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6376Oct 9th, 2020Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6375Sep 24th, 2020The Waterfyre FestivalRoux AquilaEveryone

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