Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6374-6335

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6374Sep 6th, 2020Enorian's 50-50 Raffle!Kaiara GallantEveryone
6373Aug 24th, 2020Bounty: The SqualSutra RederanEveryone
6372Aug 15th, 2020Open positions at the Grand LibraryHerolt, the deciphererEveryone
6371Aug 15th, 2020Designs for Donations!Kaiara GallantEveryone
6370Aug 9th, 2020Public Apology to the Carnifex Guild.Grand Duke Menelaus NehekharaCommander "Foehammer" Mjoll Seirath
6369Aug 9th, 2020Attention hunters!Kaiara GallantEveryone
6368Aug 6th, 2020The Great Sapience Bake Off Fall 489 Conclusion!Kjell MulariadEveryone
6367Jul 20th, 2020End of Essence driveShadow Mistress, Teani StormwillEveryone
6366Jul 14th, 2020Spring Thaw Spirean People AuctionAdjutant Blodwyn, Ilafum wo adbalEveryone
6365Jul 12th, 2020Essence for essential workShadow Mistress, Teani StormwillEveryone
6364Jul 3rd, 2020Interim Head CuratorVara, Interim Head CuratorEveryone
6363Jun 29th, 2020Seeking subjects for interviews on a particular subject: When the Muse became the Malevolent.Grand Duke Menelaus NehekharaEveryone
6362Jun 23rd, 2020An InvitationOemeriaEveryone
6361Jun 18th, 2020Acorns Auction!Shaman EscelikaEveryone
6360Jun 8th, 2020Esterport shop auctionZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6359Jun 7th, 2020Great Sapience Bake Off!Kjell MulariadEveryone
6358Jun 4th, 2020The Waterfyre FestivalRoux AquilaEveryone
6357Jun 3rd, 2020Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6356Jun 3rd, 2020Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6355Jun 1st, 2020Dominion Public Auction ResultsEmpress Rebra NehekharaEveryone
6354May 31st, 2020Results of Teradim essence contestProphet of the Earthen, MephistolesEveryone
6353May 31st, 2020The Maelstrom is returned!Benedicto SilverainEveryone
6352May 25th, 2020Dominion Public AuctionEmpress Rebra NehekharaEveryone
6351May 23rd, 2020The Unbound's Essence Drive ResultsAbbess Aloli Silverain GallantEveryone
6350May 20th, 2020The Unbound's support of His KinAbbess Aloli Silverain GallantEveryone
6349May 17th, 2020Farkle LeaderboardsIra FullerEveryone
6348May 16th, 2020Conclusion of the Enorian People AuctionDaeEveryone
6347May 14th, 2020Essence Drive ClarificationAbbess Aloli Silverain GallantEveryone
6346May 14th, 2020The Unbound and YouAbbess Aloli Silverain GallantEveryone
6345May 7th, 2020Three WidowsNemsiEveryone
6344May 5th, 2020People Auction!DaeEveryone
6343Apr 21st, 2020Marriage fraudHerolt, the deciphererEveryone
6342Apr 16th, 2020Return of Commodities SuccessfulSer Ayuna Vyktaire, DreadknightEveryone
6341Apr 16th, 2020Return of Commodities"Shadowlord" Rhyot Vyktaire, Warlord of ChaosEveryone
6340Apr 12th, 2020Receive Undeath from the TeradrimProphet of the Earthen, MephistolesEveryone
6339Apr 12th, 2020Unity of EarthIvoln, the Earthen LordEveryone
6338Mar 27th, 2020Orrery bountyHead Librarian TegolethEveryone
6337Mar 15th, 2020Update on the Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6336Mar 12th, 2020The Waterfyre FestivalFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6335Mar 12th, 2020CancellationCarihe Ihiem Isia Adesso, the Gilded HuntressEveryone

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