Aetolian Game News

Changelog News Posts: 2020-1981

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2020Jun 2nd, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
2019May 29th, 2022Bard fixesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2018May 27th, 2022Combat ChangesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2017May 26th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
2016May 26th, 2022Oaken GroveKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2015May 25th, 2022Bard ChangesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2014May 22nd, 2022Duiran's surrounding mapKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2013May 21st, 2022Bard fixesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2012May 19th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
2011May 18th, 2022More Bard fixes!Keroc, the StarbornEveryone
2010May 17th, 2022Bard fixes & Elemancy BlizzardKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2009May 16th, 2022Bard fixesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2008May 15th, 2022PromptKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2007May 15th, 2022VisionKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2006May 15th, 2022Bard FixesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2005May 10th, 2022Deprecated commandsKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2004May 9th, 2022New AfflictionsKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2003May 5th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
2002May 1st, 2022ChangesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
2001May 1st, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
2000Apr 30th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1999Apr 28th, 2022Devotion OrbsIctinus, the ArchitectEveryone
1998Apr 26th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1997Apr 23rd, 2022Slave Capture SystemTedrunaiEveryone
1996Apr 20th, 2022New Quest SkillKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1995Apr 20th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1994Apr 10th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1993Apr 4th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1992Mar 30th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1991Mar 29th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1990Mar 14th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1989Mar 12th, 2022Sentinel ChangesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1988Mar 6th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1987Feb 28th, 2022Group/Fort ChangesKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1986Feb 18th, 2022Shockwave bombKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1985Feb 10th, 2022Bombcrafting tweaksKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1984Feb 9th, 2022UpdatesThe Aetolian TeamEveryone
1983Feb 8th, 2022Shattered TuskKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1982Feb 5th, 2022Hunting GroundsKeroc, the StarbornEveryone
1981Jan 28th, 2022Arrow AccuracyKeroc, the StarbornEveryone

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