Aetolian Game News
Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Thursday, May 26th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone
It is Thursday, the 26th of May, and the following changes have been implemented:
- Added a bunch of missing skills (practical, agriculture, hobby, and ascended) into GMCP for skill listings.
- The final boss of the Royal Vaults of Glandor will now change up which stance he uses instead of being in a defined order for everyone. If you have already defeated an elemental stance, its weighting is lowered in the potential choices.
- The graveyards in Eastern Ithmia and the Oaken Grove are now marked as 'proper' graveyards for Necro / Onerio purposes.
- Added a graveyard to Pash valley that can be used for Necro / Oneiro purposes.
- Fixed the Valley environment being displayed as a path on the MAP command (fixes colouring mostly).
- The Myesis river has had its current fixed, and the last room on the river describes it heading underground now.
- Due to the broad proliferation of practised Bards across Sapience, any tutor is now capable of teaching their abilities.
- You can no longer force someone to mail something.
- You can no longer force someone to HOUND BURY something.
- Fixed a minor typo when you BREAK LOCKET in the Heartcage ability.
This notice was posted on the 23rd of Niuran, in the year 502 MA.