18 Events and Special Activities

Events and Special Activities - Table of Contents

   18.1 Arena Events
      18.1.1   Bait the Frog         Beware the giant amphibian!
      18.1.2   Bloodbath             You don't really bathe in blood. That'd be gross.
      18.1.3   The Brawl             A bi-yearly competition with big rewards.
      18.1.4   Champions Core        Champions of the Core.
      18.1.5   Duels                 One or two people can team up for a friendly fight.
      18.1.6   The Duel              Win the Rapier of the Master Duelist.
      18.1.7   Free-For-All          Every man for himself!  Team Free-For-All    There can only be one victorious team!
      18.1.8   Freeze Tag            A high-stakes game of wand-pointing.
      18.1.9   Arena Mods            Change the way the game is played.  Knockout             Kill opponent to advance.  Runes                Mystical runes appear.
      18.1.10  Survivor              A survival hunting competition!
      18.1.11  Territory             Take control of the arena!
      18.1.12  Hide & Seek           Embrace your childhood.
      18.1.13  Inquisition           Find the betrayers among you.

   18.2 Gambling Games
      18.2.1   Blackjack             We encourage repetitive hitting to victory.
      18.2.2   Chess                 The noble game of King's Chess.  Chess Rules          The rules of King's Chess
      18.2.3   Liar's Dice           A popular game in Delve.
      18.2.4   Lottery Event         The true gamble of odds.  Iron Lottery         Iron lottery.  IRE Jackpot Lottery  IRE jackpot lottery.
      18.2.5   Farkle                Farkle fun for all. Farkle Tournament
      18.2.6   Poker                 Aetolian poker. Poker Rules           Aetolian poker rules. Poker Hands           Aetolian poker hands. Poker Commands        Aetolian poker commands. Poker Example         An example game.
      18.2.7   Racetrack             Bet on those critters. Derbies               Bet on those BEST critters.
      18.2.8   Roulette              Make a fortune! Lose a fortune!
      18.2.9   Triptycha             Numbers, Triangles, oh my! Triptycha Tournament
      18.2.10  Lineconnect           Be sure to make it four!
      18.2.11  Abdication            An ancient race game between kingdoms.
      18.2.12  Bug Rush              Line 'am and squish 'em!
      18.2.13  Ankyrean Treasures    Treasure in a box.

   God-Initated Games
      18.3.1   Ale Run               A test of alcohol tolerance!
      18.3.2   Auctions              Infrequent auctions of rare artifacts. Auction House         Auction house, available year round.
      18.3.3   CTF                   Capture-the-Flag! CTF Siege             Siege weapons to help get the flag.
      18.3.4   Fishing Derby         Whoa, that's a whopper!
      18.3.5   Great Hunt            A multi-tiered hunting extrrrravaganza! Ironman Mode          A challenging new game mode.
      18.3.6   Keg Race              The more you drink, the lighter the keg?
      18.3.7   Quizzes               A thumb wrestle of the brain. Prizes!
      18.3.8   Resonance             Crystal hunting.
      18.3.9   Starfalls             The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
      18.3.10  Treasure Hunt         Dig for treasure - stock up on shovels.
      18.3.11  Walker's tongue       How quick are your wits?
      18.3.12  Egghunt               Fill your nest!
      18.3.13  Crate Hide            Crates and Crowbars, oh my!

   18.4  Aetolian Promotions
      18.4.1   Experience Challenge  A weekly experience challenge
      18.4.2   Giftbags              The gift of giving.
      18.4.3   Racetrack Promo       Racetrack promotion.
      18.4.4   Stockings             Celemas stocking items.
      18.4.5   Wheel of Fates        Test your luck!
      18.4.6   Massdrop Promo        Item deals based on purchaser numbers
      18.4.7   Terrariums            Beautiful! Soothing. Deadly.
      18.4.8   Relic Crates          Crates of relic pieces!
      18.4.9   The Iron Bank         The Iron Bank, of course.
      18.4.10  Elemental Coffers     Coffers with elements in them.
      18.4.11  Pots of Gold          Pots of Gold.
      18.4.12  Promotional Arrows    Shoot for purses.
      18.4.13  Promotional Items     Available promo consumables.
      18.4.14  Current Promotion     What's on this month?

   Creative Events
      18.5.1   Artisanals            Contest for artists.
      18.5.2   Bardics               Contest for the literary.
      18.5.3   Crafting Event        Crafting competition.
      18.5.4   Iron Epicurean        Competition of culinary creation.
      18.5.5   Storytelling          Storytelling contest.
      18.5.6   Ice Sculpting         An Iron Epicurean spin-off.

      18.6.1   Giovelli              Giovelli's Hideout.
      18.6.2   Orrery                Grab them globes, align the Orrery.