18.3.5 Great Hunt

The Great Hunt is a competition that comes to Aetolia once or twice every decade. In it, hunters compete to see who can acquire the most points by slaying the monsters and denizens of the realm. Depending on the strength of the creature slain, hunters can gain from 1 to 5 points towards their total score.                                     

Gaining points
You will gain 1 to 5 points per NPC slain, depending on its strength. But there are some exceptions, listed below:
  - Anything that grants no experience will be worth 0 points.
  - NPCs in an instance will grant 0 points (e.g. Xaanhal).
  - Endless Battlefield grants 0 points.
  - Elds are worth 0 points.
  - NPCs loyal to something are worth 0 points.
  - Elementals from the Globes are worth only 1 point.
  - Using a level 200 ascended form will always make mobs count as 0 points.

Global effects
Some special global effects are applied during a Great Hunt:
   - NPCs will respawn twice as fast as normal.
   - Everybody has double experience gain. 
   - The sun will not burn vampires, nor will the dark star harm Akkari.
   - The hunting skill is equalized to 0% Transcendent in damage calculations.
   - Bonuses from the Orrery are disabled.

   See a list of the current rankings.

   See your current score in the Great Hunt.

   See your rank in your current level tier. The tiers are broken into ranks 
   according to level at the beginning of the hunt. Tier one are levels 1-98, 
   tier two is 99+. Your tier is locked at the start of the Hunt. Should you
   begin the Hunt in tier one and then ascend to 99+ before the end of the 
   Hunt, you will still remain in tier one through the end of the Hunt.

   Tier three is a special tier which counts all players in Ironman mode.
   Refer to HELP IRONMAN for more information.