20.6.7 Dauntless Host of the Akkari

Hailing from the Spirit Plane of Rewh'va, the Akkari Host is a martial force comprised of Duamvi. These holy warriors dedicate their lives to battling the forces of Shadow, particularly the creatures from Czjetija, the Plane of Shadow. They worship Dejaani, the First Flame, along with the Triad - Nyasia, Sage of the Host; Ubarin, Shield of the Host; and Ael'mael, Blade of the Host. These three angelic beings rule Rewh'va as custodians of the holy light. Access to this realm is guarded by Celezor, Lord of Accordant Righteousness, who ensures that only the worthy can reach Rewh'va from the Prime Material Plane.

In the year 504 MA, following a sacred communion with the Angelic Triad, the Exarchs Berrad, Aban, and Saebi ascended and passed their gift on to the Duamvi citizens of Enorian. This event precipitated the formation of a new Akkari Host on Prime, a distinct force when compared to their Rewh'van kin. Unlike the Rewh'van Host, which is defined by the three original sects of the Dosan, Naarak, and Ila'hji, the Prime Akkari Host is organized into four sects: the original three and the newly created Vuakkya. Each of these sects is overseen by a High Commander rather than an Exarch and represents a different aspect of the Host's zealous mission, ranging from merciful justice to unyielding fanaticism. The Grand Crusader leads the Prime Akkari Host, directing their efforts to protect Enorian and cleanse the Prime Material Plane in their pursuit of the Age of Dawn.

An Akkari's devotion manifests in zealous practices such as prayer, sacraments, and the condemnation of heretics. Their faith is physically expressed through their glowing auras and the radiance of their wielded might. Their signature weapon, the twin-bladed manta, is used in battle to spill the blood of infidels, heretics, and unbelievers. These elite warriors are trained in the arts of Ascendance, Discipline, and Dictum, reflecting their religious fervor and military expertise. Their powers, derived from Rewh'va, the Triad, and ultimately Dejaani, allow them to wield the holy light of Spirit as a weapon of faith rather than elemental mastery. 

United by their sacred cause, the Akkari are soldiers of the Light, embodying military discipline and unwavering devotion in their eternal war against the forces of Shadow.